What is the difference between bachelors of arts and science

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BS students need more math and natural science classes. The differences between a BA vs. BS include coursework and general education requirements. A BA typically requires one year of foreign language coursework. BS majors do not need foreign language classes to graduate.

Students pursuing a BA take more humanities and social science general education requirements. BS majors take more science and mathematics courses.

Both bachelor's degrees also focus on different outcomes. In the humanities and social sciences, BA majors strengthen their critical thinking, writing, and research skills. BS majors in the sciences focus on problem-solving and analytical reasoning abilities. A BA and a BS serve different purposes. Neither degree ranks as better than the other, but one might better suit specific career goals.

For example, students interested in technical careers may need a BS for graduate school applications. Academically, a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Science degree are equally valued. But, the two tracks do tend to hone different strengths. The coursework required for a Bachelor of Arts degree generally allows students to sharpen their communication and writing skills.

By comparison, the demands of a Bachelor of Science degree typically foster analytical skills and a detailed understanding of subject matter. When deciding which degree program is the best fit, students should think about what types of classes they have enjoyed in the past, what they are currently interested in studying and what future career options they would like to pursue, advises admissions director Rachelle Hernandez.

Understanding the difference between a B. Use articles and resources to uncover answers to common questions, get guidance on your goals, and learn about applying to schools. Are you interested in helping others resolve their issues and hurdles through talk therapy? You may want to consider a career in the counseling field. On the other hand, a Bachelor of Science degree is a great option if you want to work in the field.

What area of study would hold your interest while preparing you for your future? Sometimes it helps to meet with an academic adviser or school counselor to discuss your options. Researching online or talking with your peers can also help you identify your educational interests and career goals. Home About. Search Bachelors of Science Degrees. Student Library. Recent Blog Updates. Bachelor of Science vs.


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