What type of communities are there

The classification based on counties used in the analysis of census data makes it more challenging to speak to the specific localities where Americans live, but it has the advantage of allowing for the data to be more easily linked among government data sources to analyze changes over time across the country.

Rural and suburban adults are somewhat more rooted in their local areas, but substantial shares in cities, suburbs and rural areas say they have lived in their communities for more than 10 years. And about six-in-ten in each type of community say they feel at least some sense of attachment to their communities, though relatively few say they are very attached.

For adults who currently live in or near the place where they grew up — roughly half in rural areas and about four-in-ten in cities and suburbs — family ties stand out as the most important reason why they have never left or why they moved back after living away.

And, when it comes to their interactions with neighbors, urban, suburban and rural residents are about equally likely to say they communicate with them on a regular basis. In addition, urban and rural residents share some of the same concerns. Other problems — such as access to affordable housing in cities and access to public transportation in rural areas — are felt more acutely in some areas than in others.

The nationally representative survey of 6, adults was conducted online Feb. The survey sheds light on what divides and unites Americans across community types as well as on differences within urban, suburban and rural areas — sometimes driven by partisanship, sometimes by demographics. The study also includes a detailed analysis of demographic trends in urban, rural and suburban counties.

In addition to the divergent demographic trends taking place in urban, suburban and rural communities, the analysis finds that rural counties lag behind their urban and suburban counterparts when it comes to some measures related to economic well-being. And while the number of employed adults ages 25 to 54 rose in urban and suburban counties since , it declined in rural counties overall.

Across community types, Democrats are more likely than Republicans to say urban areas receive less than their fair share, while Republicans are more likely to say these types of communities receive more than their fair share. Similar shares of Democrats and Republicans within each community type say urban areas receive about the right amount of federal dollars.

Most Americans say people who live in the same type of community as they do generally share their values, but they are less convinced that those in other types of communities do. Conversely, Democrats in suburban and rural areas are far more likely than their Republican counterparts to say most people who live in cities share their values. Americans in urban and rural communities have widely different views when it comes to social and political issues, including their assessments of President Donald Trump and opinions about race, immigration, same-sex marriage, abortion and the role of government.

In many cases, the differences between urban and rural residents can be attributed to the fact that rural areas tend to have a higher concentration of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, while majorities in urban communities identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party.

For example, while urban dwellers are far more likely than their rural counterparts to say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, that the government should do more to solve problems, and that whites benefit from advantages in society that black people do not have, these differences shrink when partisanship is taken into account. In other words, Democrats across community types share similar views on these issues, as do Republicans in urban, rural and suburban areas.

On other issues, differences across community types remain, even after controlling for partisanship. Rural Republicans are more likely than Republicans in urban areas to say the legalization of same-sex marriage is a bad thing for society, and they are also more likely to express very positive views of Trump. In turn, Democrats across community types express different views on immigration, with those in urban areas more likely than their rural counterparts to say the growing number of newcomers strengthens American society.

Concerns about drug addiction vary significantly along socio-economic lines. Certain problems are felt more deeply in some types of communities than in others. For example, rural adults are more likely than their urban and suburban counterparts to say access to public transportation and to high-speed internet are major problems.

For their part, urban dwellers express greater concern than those in suburban and rural areas about the availability of affordable housing, crime, poverty and the quality of K education in public schools. In urban, suburban and rural areas, more point to family ties than to any other factor as one of the main reasons why they stayed in the community where they grew up or why they left and later returned.

Adults in urban, suburban and rural areas report nearly identical levels of attachment to their local community. In each of the three types of communities, those who have lived in their community for more than a decade and who have made connections with their neighbors are the most likely to feel a sense of attachment.

About a third of U. Among those who say they would want to move, many, particularly in suburban and rural areas, say they would like to stay in the same type of community. However, among those who know at least some of their neighbors, rural Americans are no more likely than their urban and suburban counterparts to say they interact with them on a regular basis. Other forms of communication, such as exchanging emails or text messages or talking on the phone with neighbors, are less common: About one-in-five or fewer in urban, rural and suburban areas say this happens at least once a week.

Americans are generally trusting of their neighbors, but those in suburban and rural areas are more so. There is little variation among those living in different types of communities in the share reporting they have social support, feel optimistic about their lives or feel lonely. There is a complex division of labor with specialization in professions and jobs, which shapes up the identity of an urban community.

Modern facilities and infrastructure are also central to urban communities. State officials and diplomatic activities are also fundamental to urban communities. Urban communities are based on a larger population, and most often, urban areas are overcrowded due to it.

As we have discussed, three types of community, primarily. Now let us move forward to the organizational typology of communities that was proposed by Schubert and Borkman in These are based on organizational structures. However, this typology is intended to explain self-help groups, but they help in giving broader insight into the type of communities.

They help to understand various forms of organizational systems. Organizations are another big form of communities to consider. It is among the types of community that is based on individuals who are not closely associated with each other. This can also account for subordination in some cases. Such community members are not designated or affiliated with a community or board. They might only be present at any validly convened meeting where their action is required for a common objective.

Such communities are associated with each other due to a common purpose or cause. They cooperate in a standard and collective environment. It can be seen as a partially individualistic and unified community. Affiliated communities are the ones that have some commonality or shared interest among its members due to a connection to an organization. For example, an affiliated military community would mean that they spend some portion of their life has a direct link to military lifestyle such as servicing in the military or having a kinship, etc.

A hybrid community is one of the types of community that is based on the model of a hybrid society that has two or more modes of subsistence. For example: transitioning from one state to another like agrarian to industrial. A modern-day hybrid community is based on socio-technical advancements , such as the emergence of virtual communities. It is a type of managed community where some management exists for the coherence of the community.

Ferdinand Tonnies introduced the notion of community in He used this notion to describe modern life by explaining the transitional nature of society. The social transformation of communities is interlinked with rapid industrialization and urbanization. Religion can be seen as a bonding mechanism of community, primarily.

They are loosely bounded, and not tied within a single locality. Mostly, their interactions are not visible. This pertains to the emergence of virtual communities. The significant difference between society and community is that society is based upon interactions among varied people. In contrast, the community is built upon the interaction of people that share some commonality.

A society is a collection of various communities. Communities are the building blocks of society. The locality is essential in context to society than a community. There are two types of communities Urban and Rural communities, owing to different social circumstances in both the countryside and urban areas.

A community is a group of living things with common characteristics such as norms, customs, religion, values, or identity. Communities can share a common sense of place located in each geographical area like a country, village, town, or neighborhood or in the virtual space through a communications platform. Community development is a comprehensive approach to built-in principles of inclusion, empowerment, self-determination, human rights, social justice, and collective action.

As we have discussed the types of communities, there are three types of primary and five types of organizational communities that share five standard features, as discussed earlier in the article. The study of community is a fundamental aspect of sociology because it gives us an insight into the micro-level functioning of society.

The basic norms and conventions of a community differentiate it from other forms of communities. What makes a community a community is dependent upon the commonality that is prevalent within it. This article is not only an insider of types of the community but also about the basic structure of the community.

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