In , Bernoulli found that, when a gas like air moves, it exerts less pressure. Normally, air moves along smoothly in streams, but airflow is disturbed when a wing moves through it, and the air divides and flows around the wing. The top surface of the wing is curved aerofoil shape. The air moving across the top of the wing goes faster than the air travelling under the bottom. In other words, air below the wing pushes on the wing more than air above the wing.
This difference in pressure combines with the lift from the angle of attack to give even more lift. It used to be claimed that the air travelling over the top of the wing took the same time to reach the back of the wing as the air travelling along the bottom. This has been shown to be incorrect, but it has been shown that the speed of the air over the top is faster than the speed of the air under the bottom.
The shape of the aerofoil is different for different aircraft. It is designed to give the best trade-off between lift and drag for each aircraft. On many aeroplanes, the bottom of the wing will curve downwards slightly instead of being flat. On other aircraft, such as gliders, it will curve upwards. On a stunt plane, which is just as likely to fly upside down as it is to fly the right way up, the curve on the bottom of the wing will be the same as it is on the top.
Discover more about the principles of flight. This website discusses how aeroplane wings really work and describes the common explanation based on Bernoulli and the physics explanation using Newton. This simulation from NASA shows how both angle and wing shape affect lift.
Use content from the Hyperphysics website to explore the Bernoulli Equation further. Add to collection. Nature of Science Science ideas and concepts are constantly being challenged. Activity ideas Continue the learning with your students with one or more of these activities Aerofoils and paper planes — learn how to make an aerofoil and to make and fly paper planes. Making a glider — handcraft a glider from balsa wood and in the process learn about aerofoil wing shape, glider parts and terminology.
Then experiment with flight using variables of wind and nose weight. Because air is a gas and the molecules are free to move about, any solid surface can deflect a flow. For an aircraft wing , both the upper and lower surfaces contribute to the flow turning.
Neglecting the upper surface's part in turning the flow leads to an incorrect theory of lift. Lift is a mechanical force. It is generated by the interaction and contact of a solid body with a fluid liquid or gas. It is not generated by a force field , in the sense of a gravitational field ,or an electromagnetic field , where one object can affect another object without being in physical contact. For lift to be generated, the solid body must be in contact with the fluid: no fluid, no lift.
The Space Shuttle does not stay in space because of lift from its wings but because of orbital mechanics related to its speed. Space is nearly a vacuum. Without air, there is no lift generated by the wings. Lift is generated by the difference in velocity between the solid object and the fluid. The increased turbulence causes the rapid deterioration of the lift force while at the same time it dramatically increases the drag, resulting in a stall. The graph opposite shows the lift and drag at different angles of attack experienced by a Clark Y aerofoil, a type widely used in general purpose aircraft designs.
When moving through the air at constant speed, as the angle of attack is increased, both the lift and the drag increase until the aerofoil reaches a critical angle when the lift suddenly falls away and the aerofoil begins to stall, in this case, as the angle of attack approaches 20 degrees. Since the lift generated by an aircraft wing is proportional to the angle of attack and also to the square of the aircraft speed, the same lift can be accomplished by flying at a higher speed with a lower angle of attack.
Reducing the angle of attack also reduces the induced drag due to turbulence thus enabling greater aerodynamic efficiency. See next. Drag is the force experienced by an object representing the resistance to its movement through a fluid. Sometimes called wind resistance or fluid resistance, it acts in the opposite direction to the relative motion between the object and the fluid. The example opposite shows the aerodynamic drag forces experienced by an aerofoil or aircraft wing moving through the air with constant angle of attack as the air speed is increased..
The graph opposite is a modern day representation of results of experiments carried out by Sir George Cayley starting in and published in It shows the superior lift characteristics and higher stall speed of aerofoils compared with a simple flat plate. His experiments were carried out many years before the advent of the wind tunnel and he used a Whirling Arm devised by John Smeaton in to provide a controlled airflow over his models.
See more about George Cayley and John Smeaton. Aerodynamic Lift and Drag and the Theory of Flight The wings of birds were the original inspiration for the design of aerofoils however it was not until that engineer George Cayley carried out the first methodical study of the performance of aerofoils.
It states that: For a non-viscous, incompressible fluid in steady flow, the sum of pressure, potential and kinetic energies per unit volume is constant at any point. In other words, ignoring the potential energy due to altitude: When the velocity of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases by an equivalent amount to maintain the overall energy.
This is known as Bernoulli's Principle According to Bernoulli's Principle, the air passing over the top of an aerofoil or wing must travel further and hence faster that air the travelling the shorter distance under the wing in the same period but the energy associated with the air must remain the constant at all times.
See also Daniel Bernoulli. Newton's Theory of Flight Isaac Newton did not propose a theory of flight but he did provide Newton's Laws of Motion the physical laws which can be used to explain aerodynamic lift. Newton's Third Laws states that: To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It is thus the turning of the air flow which creates the lift.
See also Isaac Newton. Aircraft Wings Aircraft are kept in the air by the forward thrust of the wings or aerofoils, through the air. See more about the angle of attack and the theories of aerodynamic lift below. Wind Turbine Blades Wind Turbines extract energy from the force of the wind on an aerofoil, in this case a turbine blade. The turbine blades thus experience lift and drag forces, similar to the aircraft wing, which set the blades in motion transferring the wind energy into the kinetic energy of the blades The turbine blades are connected to a single rotor shaft and the force of the wind along the length of the blades creates a torque which turns the rotor.
See more deatils about Apparent Wind Direction The dynamics of wind turbines is however slightly more complex than the dynamics of a simple wing because the direction of the gravitational force on the turbine blade changes with the rotation of the turbine rotor. When the blade is horizontal and moving upwards it is moving against the force of gravity which is pulling the blade downwards so that the net lifting force on the blade and the resulting torque on the rotor is reduced. When the blade is vertical, either at the top or the bottom of its cycle, the gravitational force is perpendicular to the lifting force and passes through the centre of the rotor shaft and hence has no effect on the torque which is purely due to lift.
Angle of Attack The angle of attack of a turbine blade is the angle between the direction of the apparent or relative wind and the chord line of the blade.