Keywords: Colostomy, Indication, Complications. Introduction Colostomy is exteriorization of part of the colon to the anterior abdominal wall.
Methods and Material A retrospective analysis of records of all patients who underwent colostomy from January to December at St. Results Socio-demographic Data: During the two years, colostomies were done. Characteristics Category No Percent Male Open in a separate window. Figure 1. The figures for colorectal cancer, penetrating abdominal injury, ileosigmoid knotting and anorectal cancer were 29 Discussion Socio-demographic Factors: The hospital in which this study was conducted receives patients from all parts of the country and fairly represents the nation's picture.
References 1. Schwartz's principle of surgery. The McGraw-Hill Companies; Typology of defunctioning colostomy and state of art in the treatment of bowel emergencies. Ann Ital Chir. Temporary colostomies after sigmoid colon and rectum interventions—are they still justified? Langenbecks Arch Chir. Review of colostomy in a community hospital.
Am J Surg. Management of blunt and penetrating colon injuries. Patterns and indication of colostomies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Ethiop Med J. Indications and complications of colostomy in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Surgical Research. Factors influencing the morbidity of colostomy closure. Dis Colon Rectum. Clin Colon Rectal Surg. Colostomies—indications and contraindications: Lahey Clinic experience, — Journal of postgraduate medical institute.
A clinical study of intestinal stomas: its indications and complications. Int J Res Med Sci. Indications and complications of intestinal stomas — A tertiary care hospital experience in Lahore. Ali MK. Treatment of sigmoid volvulus: experience in Gondar, north-west Ethiopia. Shepherd J J. The epidemiology and clinical presentation of sigmoid volvulus. Br J Surg. Re-examining treatment strategies for sigmoid volvulus: An analysis of treatment and outcomes in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Glob j Surg. Emergency Surgery for Colon Carcinoma. Arch Surg. Many would be surprised to find out that the stoma dates as far back as , named as such by Dr A. Ileostomies, however, are a much newer medical breakthrough, first reported in Of course, the technologies and sciences behind the procedure have come on in leaps and bounds since those days. Throughout history, there has been a many notable Ostomates, some much more recent than others.
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Visit Newsroom. Recent News. Research it I have my complete life back now. I just wear an Ampatch looks like a bandaid over the opening. I love it. Thank you for sharing! I think this subject is easier for the men. My brother talked about it openly dealt with it as if it was no big issue.
We women tend to be more private, ashamed perhaps? Thank you so much for the insight, Bill! I absolutely love great comebacks! We appreciate you sharing the links with our community! I answer curious and concerned questions. When it comes to insulting looks and questions I give the same in return. My bag and scars are in plain view for all to see. For me the oddest times are comments from facing the wrong way in a public bathroom stall. I hold my head high and go about my business.
I found men will give a confused look or quickly look away when they realise I saw them. Women over 60 are the ones that give me, the I should be ashamed and hide it speech.
The women in the middle either give me a pity look, ask questions, or walk away shaking their head. That I would make the same choice again in a heart beat. I think ostomy needs to stop being a scary secret. I tell people my ostomy is no different than my hand or foot. I have had an ileostomy since I was I am now Barbara Barrie and Mary Ann mobley are just two actresses with ostomies Barbara has written a book about her experience.
I had my surgery in and have lived with my ileostomy for over 20 years. I am a world traveler and have lived my life fully. One caveat. When traveling overseas always take double the number of appliances you think you need. I got caught in Mexico once with a batch of faulty wafers and nearly had to return home early.
Luckily found a doctor who was able to get supplies but at enormous price. Great tip! Someone once told me to grab pouches from different boxes to bring when traveling so if you got a faulty batch you only have 1 of the bad batch with you! I thought that was such a helpful tip! I am sorry for your loss, but what an amazing thing to have a wonderfully supportive partner! My co-worker had a calendar with people modeling and showing their ostomy. It was beautiful to see. Wonder if selling a calendar with these famous men and women along with their stories as youve done her, with sime facts, could generate awareness?
Laura, I loved this article and eagerly await Part Two. I have both colostomy and urostomy bags — a real Bag Lady — and am thriving after a year of adjustment that turned into embracement. Great to know of some famous folks who have ostomies. Thanks for letting us know of some greats who have lived through these surgeries and gone on to continue living their dreams. I have an option to have mine reversed, but it will take 2 surgeries.
A section of my colon has narrowed and will have to be removed. Once that is healed, they can reverse the original surgery and eliminate the bag. The doctor said he will also have to remove a portion of my rectum. I am not sure what I want to do at this point. It would be nice to have the bag removed, but not at the cost of having issues with control.
I also have problems with the skin around the stoma getting very red and sore. I have to watch what I eat. Acids seem to bother it a lot. Anyone else have these problems? I have a loop ileostomy, which is reversible. I have never had it reversed because I have some other post surgical issues I want to take care of first. He or she should be able to help you with that! Hi Belinda, I completely understand where you are coming from, but you are absolutely not inadequate.
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment back or email me! All great and brave men. A challenge for any person, harder for a man to conceal. Babe Zaharias, famous woman golfer, and Loretta Young, actress, had ostomies, I believe.
Old timers might remember them. It gave me back my life after nine years of ulcerative colitis. I also have a very supportive spouse and was active for many years in our local ostomy support group. Life is good. Thank you for the insight! I will definitely put those on the list for part two! I am so happy to hear what a full life you have lived with your ostomy!
I appreciate you sharing! I have had an iliostomy for 51 years due to ulcerative colitis. I had inside pouch for 12 years and had removed in I am now back to outside appliance. I had too many problems with inside pouch. I have developed more adhesions. I am 66 years old and it,s been a long journey ; but I have lead a pretty normal and busy life.
I hope your health continues! On I will be 79 years old. My colostomy surgery was about 15 years ago. If professional wrestling was still popular, I could be in that sport and be a champ. GOD can do a lot.