Oh, and I'm gonna name-drop Skip the Fade [www. Maybe try doing the Fade section first, but this mod has been firmly installed in all my playthroughs after the first. Last edited by Ottomic ; 14 May, pm. Im currently playing as a rogue and I was able to find the book you're in the right room to find it. I had level 2 in lock picking skills out of a total of 4 so maybe you have been investing Lelianna's points into a different skill? You might have to come back at a later time anyway the quest is super hard I haven't even completed it yet I'm waiting until I'm higher level.
Irving's Chest is NOT locked. You will know the right room because it has his desk in it. You also will find a small painted box for a quest and some other stuff in that room. User Info: binn. Top Voted Answer. I believe it is on the third floor in Irving's room on the table. Just use TAB to highlight objects that you can pick up.
User Info: silverion2. Black grimoire is at chest named "Irvings Chest" at irvins room, 2nd floor, looking from the Door entrance of the room, is at left corner in front of you. User Info: bellwar. It is recommended that you offer to accept her request, but you wouldn't really need to actually hurt Flemeth, you could instead hear her proposal and accept it.
But before going to see Flemeth, you should take the right companions with you, for some of them will not approve of Flemeth's proposal!
After accepting Flemeth's proposal, go into her hut and get her true grimoire, then head back to the Camp and give the new grimiore to Morrigan. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Flemeth's Real Grimoire. Edit source History Talk Do you like this video? Play Sound. Note: Although Alistair is happy with the idea of lying to Morrigan, there is no Approval change. This section contains spoilers for : Dragon Age: Origins. The party also use traps, such as Freeze Trap or Freeze Bomb.
Gather as as many traps as possible and place them on the same spot as Flemeth appears in her High Dragon form; she will set them all off.
If you have 50 traps, it is possible that she will die without you having to attack her at all. Categories Dragon Age: Origins companion quests Add category. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. Some players report being unable to complete the quest; the hut and its surroundings remain empty, no matter the party chosen.
Other report the grimoire not being found in the chest after killing Flemeth.