This is close but slightly different from our hand-selected range for Player 1 above, which also makes up 3. PokerStove rounds down the percentage to 3. PokerStove allows for any combination of hands, ranges, and percentages to be pitted against each other and calculated. A Google search for the software brings up numerous different places to find the PokerStove download, several of which will spam your computer with malware and other unwanted add-ons. As of September , however, this link will get you a clean, fast download of PokerStove without any other external programs going to your hard drive.
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Download now! This is Dynamik Widget Area. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats commits. Failed to load latest commit information. May 11, Jan 1, Aug 2, Update installer to remove date restriction.
Jan 10, Configure clang-format for Google style. May 29, Dec 24, May 31, Fix CMake status messages. May 30, May 3, Jul 6, View code. The latest version is 1. See below the changes in each version:. Download Poker Stove. For 10 years PokerStove has been the gold standard in equity calculators, being the first to introduce the concept of range evaluation in an easy to use interface.
Ten years later, it is Continue to app Rating:. With this poker equity calculator you can determine the probability of winning a poker hand. It is a mobile version similar to tools known from the desktop such as Click stars to rate this APP!
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