To attempt this glitch you have to first beat the Elite Four and unlock the Battle Frontier. Once there, head to the Battle Tower, and follow the following steps:.
Caution: While performing step 4, do not deposit anything to the PC. Anything deposited will be permanently deleted. If you want to deposit anything, do that and then save the game again. Occasionally, there will be news reports airing on TVs around Hoenn. Some of these news reports are helpful, and you should be aware of them. If it has max EVs , she will give it the Effort Ribbon. After getting the fifth badge, head back to your home. Speak to your mother, and she will give you an Amulet Coin.
Around Routes and , six hidden Kecleon can be found using the Devon Scope. Below are the locations of all of them. Art by The Knights of Wario Land. Privacy Policy. Mirage Island One of the most rare things in the games, Mirage Island is a small island that will appear randomly appear on Route If you choose Bulbasaur as your starter, Entei will appear in the wild.
If you choose Charmander as your starter, Suicune will appear in the wild. If you choose Squirtle as your starter, Raikou will appear in the wild. Check the roamer's area in the Pokedex; if the roamer in question is on Route 2, skip to step 6. If the roamer is not on Route 2, enter the Day Care.
As soon as you enter the Day Care, exit; this refreshes the roamer's area. Once outside, repeat steps until the roamer is on Route 2. Head to the patch of grass south of the entrance to the forest, as shown in the screen shot below, and activate the Repel. Run around in the grass until you encounter the roamer.
Trap the roamer via Mean Look. Use common capturing knowledge to catch the roamer. It will also start to gain EVs. HP Trainer 81 at MT. He will then say: " This one, overall, If he says "I would say is quite impressive in ability!
If he says "I would say is wonderfully outstanding in ability! If he says "That stat is quite impressive" then the best IV is between 16 and If he says "That stat is outstanding! A Smeargle appeared in Dreaming a Performer's Dream! In Party Dancecapades! In Master Class Choices! In Master Class is in Session! It reappeared in a flashback in A Masked Warning! In Securing the Future! In Battling on the Wing!
Another Trainer's Smeargle was waiting in line for Team Rocket 's food truck. A Smeargle appeared in a fantasy in The Final Four! The Journey Continues! He decided to use it to search for Jirachi. Smeargle appears as a Spirit. Smeargle appears to be based on a beagle and a painter. Doble may be a combination of dog and doodle or dabble to splatter liquid, which could be a reference to paint being splattered.
Doble also means double in Spanish, perhaps referencing Smeargle's ability to copy opponent's techniques. Page actions Article Discussion View source History. Please remember to follow the manual of style and code of conduct at all times. Attack :. Defense :. Atk :. Def :. Speed :. For other sprites and images, please see Smeargle images on the Bulbagarden Archives.
Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Images on the Bulbagarden Archives. Type Normal. Abilities Own Tempo or Technician. Moody Hidden Ability. Cacophony Hidden Ability. Gender ratio Unknown. Catch rate 45 Breeding Egg Group Field. Hatch time - steps. Height 3'11". Weight Mega Stone [[ ]]. Base experience yield Gen. Leveling rate Fast. EV yield Total: 1.
Base friendship Colored fluids ooze from their tails, which they use to mark their territory and to express themselves. A Normal type. Smeargle uses the liquid that comes out of its tail to make unique marks that establish its territory. Accepted Answer. Now go to the battle fronteir,battle palace,go up,right,down.
Its a lv40 sudowoodo. Nothing except Smeargles. Hope this helps! User Info: Dexthe. Other Answers. Wich ones i can tell u i have a book that tells u where any are User Info: josh Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.