Which true blood character quiz

Lorena Krasiki. Pam De Beaufort. Hoyt Fortenberry. Marnie Stonebrook. Adele Stackhouse. Franklin Mott. Rene Lenier. Russell Edgington. Roman Zimojic. Sheriff Bud Dearborne. Debbie Pelt. And while the outlandish plot lines may not have aged well, the show did offer up a gang of memorable characters that everyone can identify with in some way or another. Heading into the year anniversary of the show, we are choosing to honor these characters with the closest thing we have to otherworldliness, astrology.

Click through to see how yours matches up. Maybe you know Paula Patton for her role in Oscar nom, Precious. My fangs. Wooden Stakes. A hand gun. A knife.

The worrywart. The wild child. The flirt. The emo one. The Craft. Rosemary's Baby. The Sixth Sense. Interview with a Vampire. Cool, but overrated.

The ultimate key to success. I don't really care one way or another. Fairy Vampire hybrids. Demon Babies. Intimidate them to death. Shape shift into an animal they fear. Politely ask them to leave the dark side. Hand to hand combat. Roll your eyes and sigh, again? Crack a witty joke. Help them. Run and hide. I'm overly emotional. I can be too gullible. Everyone knows what happens when you drink a vampire's blood in the True Blood universe: you start to have vivid sex dreams about said vampire.

We've seen it time and time again — Eric and Jason's steamy scene from earlier this season was the latest in a long list of sexy dream hookups. And now, we know what you're thinking, and not because we're faeries like Sookie. We're just working off a hunch. Find out who you'd have a True Blood -style sex dream about before the series wraps up this weekend!

Image Source: HBO. So, what do you really think of vampires? Ugh, so hot. Spawns of the devil, obviously. They're fine, I guess. I'm just sick of them. I mean, I pretty much am one. They're top of the food chain. I want all of them. I make amends and make friends.


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