Who is pincher in animal farm

Moses - Jones' pet raven, also a preacher. The young pigs - they speak out against Napoleon and are executed as a result. The sheep - they interrupt debate on the farm with chants of "four legs good, two legs bad". They play a crucial role in Napoleon's rise to power. Mr Pilkington - an 'easy going' gentleman farmer who spends most of his time hunting.

When Bluebell and Jessie give birth to puppies, Napoleon confiscates them and secludes them in a loft, where he transforms them into fierce, elitist guard dogs. The male of the two horses on the farm. Boxer has a special affinity for Benjamin. But Boxer recants his doubts when he learns that the altered story of the battle is directly from Napoleon. After Boxer is injured while defending the farm in the Battle of the Windmill, Napoleon sends him to be slaughtered for profit. The pigs use the money from the slaughter to buy themselves a case of whisky.

Boxer is not pugnacious despite his name, but he is as strong as his name implies. In this way, Boxer is a painfully ironic character. He is strong enough to kill another animal, even a human, with a single blow from his hoof, and the dogs cannot manage to overpower him in Chapter VII.

Still, Boxer lacks the intelligence and the nerve to sense that he is being used. The only cat on Manor Farm. She is lazy and indifferent, but she does participate in the Battle of the Cowshed.

The female of the two horses on the farm. Like Boxer, Clover is not intelligent enough to read, so she enlists Muriel to read the altered Seven Commandments to her. Clover represents those people who remember a time before the Revolution and therefore half-realize that the government is lying about its success and adherence to its principles, but are helpless to change anything.

Nine puppies, which Napoleon confiscates and secludes in a loft. Napoleon rears them into fierce, elitist dogs that act as his security guards. The dogs are the only animals other than the pigs that are given special privileges. They also act as executioners, tearing out the throats of animals that confess to treachery. The owner of Pinchfield, the small farm adjacent to Manor Farm. He is a hard-nosed individual who is known for his frequent legal troubles and demanding business style.

He cheats the animals out of their timber by paying for it with fake banknotes. Frederick represents Adolf Hitler. Rumors of the exotic and cruel animal tortures Frederick enacts on his farm are meant to echo the horror stories emerging from Nazi Germany.

The owner of Manor Farm and a drunkard. His animals overthrow him in the Rebellion. When he tries to recapture his property, they defeat him, steal his gun, and drive him off again. Jones dies in a home for alcoholics in another part of the country. He represents the kind of corrupt and fatally flawed government that results in discontent and revolution among the populace.

More specifically, Jones represents the latter days of imperial Russia and its last leader, the wealthy but ineffective Czar Nicholas II. The white mare that draws Mr. Flashcards Collections. Documents Last activity. Add to Add to collection s Add to saved. Include page number Mr. Jones is selfish in that he does not always take good care of his animals.

The puppies of Bluebell and Jessie will become Napoleon's personal guard and hit-squad. Has amazing self-discipline and loyalty. Clover Motherly mare; has given birth to four foals but they were sold. Faithful follower of Animalism. Can read only a few letters. Are the Seven Commandments the same as they used to be? Benjamin Cynical donkey; oldest animal on the farm; refuses to get involved in either side of debates; loyal friend to Boxer.

They are taking Boxer to the knacker's! She enjoys a life of luxery; leaves Animal Farm to escape the work traitor. Moses Mr. Jones's pet raven; a spy and tattle-tale. Joined the Re-education Committee; was seen talking to some sparrows, telling them that all sparrows were comrades and any sparrow who chose could come and perch on her paw 27 Snowball Lively boar being raised by Jones for sale.

Ardent believer in Animalism, organizes committees to accomplish goals; reads Mr. Jones's books and comes up with idea for the windmill. Leads animals in The Battle of the Cowshed and is wounded. He doesn't talk much but works behind the scenes to get his way. He's a sneaky plotter. Hops from side to side and whisks his tail when he talks.

Serves as mouthpiece for Napoleon. All animals should go naked. Loyalty and obedience are more important. Pilkington Owns Foxwood farm. Lives a life of leisure, hunting and fishing, and is careless about his farm.

Frederick Owns Pinchfield farm. Tough shrewd man constantly involved in lawsuits; manages his farm very efficiently. Whymper A solicitor lawyer Liaison between Napoleon and the neighboring farms. For what purpose did Major call the meeting of the animals? He wanted to tell them about his vision of a happier time for animals, a time when the animals would live together as equals without being controlled or abused by mankind. For what does it stand? Why did the pigs get the job of teaching and organizing?

The other animals recognize that the pigs are more clever than the others, so they are trusted to take on the responsibilities of organizing and teaching the others.

What actually brought about the rebellion? Farmer Jones had been away all day on business and when he returned he got drunk instead of feeding the animals, so they were very hungry. They broke into the food stores and when Jones and his farm hands tried to chase the animals away from the food, the animals fought and ran the men off the farm.

What were the 7 commandments? Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. No animal shall wear clothes. No animal shall sleep in a bed. No animal shall drink alcohol. No animal shall kill any other animal.


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