Understanding the status of your mental health includes assessing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Learning details about your mental health is significant because it helps you learn how to help yourself and gain awareness of what other people found helpful when dealing with the same issue. People with feelings of worthlessness may engage in unhealthy behaviors such as binge eating , substance abuse, or struggle with mental illness or eating disorders.
Eating disorders and mental illness often go together, but sometimes they go unnoticed, or people overlook their symptoms. A person may use food to help them deal with unwanted feelings through binge eating. They may do the opposite and abstain from eating as self-punishment or self-harm.
Drugs and alcohol are used just the same as food. People dealing with substance abuse or getting substance use treatment may feel bad about where they are in life. As you assess your mental health , you may be drawn to an event or situation that occurred earlier in life. Do you feel worthless because of a mistake you made?
Are you struggling to move past a choice you made you cannot take back? Many people have been in similar situations, but instead of viewing them as something negative, they saw it as a lesson learned or a moment of personal growth.
They were able to admit they were not perfect, or the decision they made could have been better. Some realize they were hurt in the past by an event and never confronted their feelings about it. Your mental health is affected when you overlook or continue to carry prolonged, unhealthy emotions. Maybe something did not happen to you personally, but you knew someone else that was going through a tough time, and it influenced you.
There are other mental health concerns such as bipolar disorder , depression, anxiety, or panic disorder that could lead to feeling worthless. As mentioned, there are different situations and reasons behind feeling worthless. You could have a mental illness or unaddressed mental health concern.
You may be struggling to deal with unwanted feelings from the past. You may be under a lot of stress making it more challenging to assess your sense of self-worth. Many others are going through these situations but have found ways to cope. Even if you do not understand why you feel worthless, you can do something about it. There are support groups to join to connect with peers and share your thoughts. Take advantage of online therapy sessions with therapists and counselors to talk about your feelings.
Consider online mental health resources such as Psych Central to learn more about emotions and what they could mean when experiencing them. If you suspect having a mental illness or want to learn more about mental illness , contact your doctor or mental health professional to address your concerns. Your mental health is essential.
People continue taking advantage of online resources such as Psych Central to learn more about their feelings and emotions. Such sites have policy terms and rights reserved content to give insight about mental illness and emotional wellbeing.
Similar sources have an advisory board comprised of mental health experts specializing in mental illness , emotional health, and ensuring high standards are met with the information provided. The advisory board reviews content and helps develop new ideas to keep people informed based on needs and interests. People using online sources to learn more about their emotional health may use sites such as Psych Central to take tests or quizzes. The tests and quizzes available may not give advice, diagnosis of a condition, but it may help point to areas of concern about your mental health.
You can take a test or quiz on a variety of interests, even if you suspect a mental illness such as bipolar disorder , adult ADHD , or for possible disorder symptoms. There are eating disorders test options along with relationship tests , schizophrenia test , ADHD quiz , and you could answer test autism questions and an anxiety test, autism concerns. The last thing you want to do is face your emotions and think about why you are hurting.
Assessing your thoughts and feelings may give clues behind your hurting. Perhaps relationships with a family member or friend have gone sour. You feel overwhelmed by your emotions, but you are not sure why. Maybe you have health care concerns about yourself or someone close to you. You may not recall what led you to feeling worthless, but you can do something about it.
You can learn more about how your emotions affect your life so you can take steps to address them and feel better. Sharing your thoughts with people who can relate through online communities and support groups has helped people cope with unwanted feelings.
Why am I feeling worthless? Talk to someone you trust — even though you may feel like withdrawing from social contact, connecting with people may help you feel better and add some perspective.
Imagine you are helping a friend — think how you would advise a friend if they had negative thoughts about themselves. You would probably find all their good points and remind them about those, so why not try that on yourself. Challenge your negative thoughts. You could ask a friend or family member to help you with this. Carry the list with you and look at it whenever you feel negative to remind yourself of your good points. Turn negatives into positives — make a list of the main negatives in your life and work through these one by one.
If you find you are blaming yourself for everything, try re-thinking each issue to see if there could be an alternative explanation. Then, try to work out what you can do to create some positive outcomes for each of your issues. You may want to ask someone you trust, like a friend or family member, to help you with this.
Use these memories to help you plan a similar event for the future so you have something to look forward to. Get outside — getting some fresh air and sunlight can help improve mood. Interacting with nature or spending time with pets or other animals can also be a mood booster, as well as reducing stress. Stay active — try to get some exercise, or do some stretching.
However small, any activity can lead to more energy and increase positive feelings. Avoid alcohol and drugs — while they may seem to help initially, in the long term, drugs and alcohol may worsen your situation and can disturb sleep patterns. Get enough sleep — sleep and mental health are closely linked.
Developing a healthy sleep routine can help you get enough restful sleep. Eat a healthy diet — what you eat affects how you feel, and a poor diet can increase feelings of anxiety and depression. Eating well can improve your concentration, energy levels and sleep. Try to include fruits and vegetables, high fibre foods, fermented foods, olive oil and fish in your diet. Beyond Blue anyone feeling depressed or anxious — call 22 or chat online. Black Dog Institute people affected by depression and extreme mood swings — online help.
Lifeline anyone experiencing a crisis or thinking about suicide — call 13 11 14 or chat online. Upshaw has been a pioneer, champion and outspoken advocate of TMS Therapy.
Everyone feels insecure from time to time, but chronic feelings of worthlessness are more serious than simple insecurity. Feeling worthless or insignificant on a daily basis is a common trait of depression, which can arise from many different sources. It is one of the hallmark symptoms of depressive disorder, although feelings of self-worthlessness can be overpowering even for those without a mental condition.
The feelings of personal insignificance that arise from depression are considerably more intense than that of simple low self-esteem and can be more challenging to eliminate. One of the most bewildering aspects of feeling insignificant or worthless is establishing its origin. Sometimes, in the case of depression, these powerful and destructive emotions develop without clear precedent.
However, for others, there are identifiable causes for them. Feelings of worthlessness can be caused by a number of different factors. These are some of the most common:. Here are some ideas that can help those suffering from feelings of worthlessness:. Chronic feelings of worthlessness and insignificance can be a sign of clinical depression. There are many kinds of therapy that can help, including transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS.
TMS is a painless, non-invasive procedure using magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression. This blog post is meant to be educational in nature and does not replace the advice of a medical professional.
See full disclaimer. Gratitude journal greater good in action. Mayo mindfulness: Overcoming negative self-talk. Raposa, E. It might mean isolating yourself. It might mean ignoring even the basics of self-care, such as getting enough sleep and seeing the doctor.
But you can foster a positive self-worth. It just takes time. Because feeling worthless is a complex issue, seeing a therapist can help. In addition to therapy, there are small steps you can take to begin building a healthier relationship with yourself. Here are several to try. This may include small gestures, such as holding the door, giving a compliment and smiling at others, she said. It also can include bigger gestures, such as volunteering. Gratitude boosts our sense of well-being, Lewis said.
According to Lewis, people with a low self-worth find it challenging to speak kindly to themselves. She suggested collecting inspirational quotes online, saving them to your phone, and then reading them throughout the day. This teaches you how to generate positive self-talk, so that over time, you might start telling yourself similar kind statements.