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To know more about Our Team: Click here. November 6, The Indian Aerospace and Aviation sector is one of the most popular, sought after industries for a variety of job roles in engineering and non-engineering segments. Here are some reasons why you should consider working in this industry Challenging work environment Working in the aviation and aerospace sector can be excessively challenging. Tags: aviation and aerospace skills and jobs BridgeNow Academy training.
Previous Post Non-linear career paths to redefine professional success with Certif-ID digital certificates Next Post Vidyadaan: A path-breaking initiative to revolutionize skill development in Media and Entertainment industry. Next Post. Pingback: Skill gaps in Aviation and Aerospace sector: Challenges and way ahead. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Subscribe to our E-magazine and newsbytes. Trending Comments Latest. BSNL certified vocational internships for engineering diploma students May 25, They will also be looking for candidates whose long-term goals align with those of the company.
Will a job at the company allow you to progress in the areas that you indicate you are interested in? Taking the above into account, a good answer to this question will demonstrate three things:. Start with the company website and see if you can find any information on current projects. Take a look at their competitors too — this should give you an idea as to where they sit within the industry. Try to focus on skills that are central to the role.
By focusing on these, you show that you have a real grasp of what the role will entail. Make sure you remember to frame all your answers in the context of what you can do for the company rather than what they can do for you.
Focus on how your skills will add value to the company and its current and future projects — and how excited you are about the prospect. Step 3: A great way to conclude your answer is to emphasise how this is the natural next step for you. This is a good time to hint that you see a long-term future at the company and avoid giving the impression that the role is just getting you ready for something bigger and better somewhere else.
The need to recruit more management staff is therefore understandable. Why we like this answer: The candidate clearly demonstrates their interest in the industry by mentioning that they keep up with industry-specific news. They also express enthusiasm for the company and the direction it is heading in. Their own desire for career progression matches up with the needs of the company.
I have always been passionate about the environment so this project is particularly inspiring for me. The most fantastic thing about joining a flight school is that you will interact mostly with your peers who all share the same goal of becoming a pilot. Studying with a close set of peers will help you in acquiring knowledge and passing exams. It will also allow you to have close contacts in the same industry after graduating.
You will know some of the criteria to qualify for licensing. For instance, EASA will require that;. In an integrated program you will be trained and tested to receive all the major forms of licensing necessary to begin flying with a major commercial carrier.
If you take a modular approach, it is up to you to take all the right modules to make sure you have all the credentials you need to achieve your dream job with an airline. With that background, we come back to the original question. If you are of the proper age and can get access to the financial resources to start your education the best time to join a flight school is right now! Many airline companies keep rising. New destinations and flight routes also keep increasing.
That means that the demand for pilots will keep growing. You need to join a flight school now to prepare you for the opportunities ahead. It is true that there has been a pause in the industry due to the global pandemic in However, during past slowdowns such as and , industry demand bounced back sharply once economic conditions got back to normal.
People will always have a desire to travel and it is unrealistic to believe that the current economic conditions can continue into perpetuity. At the same time, the fleet of captains is getting older and older, creating more eventual demand for trained professionals. Those who begin training now might be graduating in a time where demand for travel has started to pickup again.
Piloting is one of the best careers in terms of income. You will also secure opportunities in various corners of air transport. For instance, you can fly cargo or even the common one-Passengers.
The longer you put off your flight training, the more time passes before you start to earn a paycheck. If you can join a month integrated program versus a 4-year university program, you can potentially start earning an income nearly three years earlier. If you think about the amount you can save from your paycheck each month and then calculate your lifetime earnings potential, those three years make a very big difference.
The above information illustrates to you why NOW is the perfect time to start your aviation career. To learn more about how we can take you from zero to pilot in as little as 14 months click here.
When is the best time to start flight school? Why flight school? Factors determining the right time to start flight training Before deciding when to start your aviation classes, you should take time to analyze your goals. Have a full estimation of the total cost How many times have you heard that some people started undertaking a course and got stuck in the process? Relationship with instructors Are they permanent instructors or temporary ones who are likely to take you through the training for a while and transfer to another school or move-on to the airlines?
Importance of joining an integrated commercial flight training program There are many different ways you could become a pilot. Other benefits include: 1. Professionals will train you Dedicated flight schools are capable of hiring the best trainers in the aviation industry.
Better chances of getting financing for your education If you are joining a dedicated month program focused on obtaining a marketable license as soon as possible, a commercial lender might be more inclined to offer a loan and feel better about the prospects of you paying it back sooner.
Better chances of getting hired It is no secret that commercial airlines prefer students who complete integrated ATPL programs.