How can 59 million be so dumb

It was all the same old Reaganist wealth tax cuts, robbing the poor to make the rich even richer. The Democratic and Republican Party are just different sides of the same coin. A different stink, same pile of shit. If the nation had any sense at all it would throw the both parties from the steps of government instead of blindly recycling a bunch of long failed false choices. Both ideologies are a hollow disease upon citizen, country, and constitution.

God is a very evil filthy scumbag himself for making these liberals destroying Our America now. What in the world is up with that anyway? Everything that Trump really did was very excellent, and once Biden came in which he is doing everything the opposite of what Trump did. And now they keep letting them cross the boarder which we will never ever be able to have this very horrible Virus under control. If Trump was still President which this would had never ever happened, and the wall would had very easily been completed as well.

How could you possibly say that about the very God Who made you and keeps your ungrateful, petty and rotting self in existence? No one was born a a raging liberal; no one was born a democrat, or republican. No one was born hating or loving Donald Trump. No one was born supporting or protesting anything. You are who you are because of your decisions and choices. I hope that someday you come to your senses. But I am Liberal.

He is the only president to have been impeached twice. Yes, he did. A few hundred thousand who let emotions rule all their actions going crazy with panic for a few months or , dead. Gee, I wonder which most people would choose. And communist bastige Biden would have resulted in fewer deaths, right DumDum2? Because everyone knows a virus behaves differently depending on who is the president.

You people are idiots. You sacks of ship are going to get your comeuppance and that will be a great day. Another living in a utopia bubble. Impeached by wacky Dems with nothing but lies. Robert Mullers report showed no Russia collusion. Yep not a peep from pudding eaten Biden 1 covers his son who media said laptop was Russia disinformation, which was later proved it was legitiment yet not a peep from Biden.

Then when Trump has suspicions and feels it was really stolen from him it is a threat to our democracy. You people keep living in your bubble of utopia and one day it will POP and then you can come live in the real world with the rest of us. You need to stop spreading lies about Trump. The left made up lies about Trump and you should as a Christian pray for our Country. They started impeachment before even asking him for the transcript or asking the president of the Ukraine what was said it was easily disproven.

Jan sixth impeachment was bogus because he was saying to fight like hell in court then go to the capital to cheer on the good Congress men and women and they would go together. They bailed out rioters and one of them that Kamala bailed out killed people after being let out. Hillary Clinton was on tape laughing at the fact that she got a rapist off because she tore down the victim and admitted she knew he was guilty and was laughing and proud of it..

People who had friends and loved ones held as prisoners in other hostile countries some where captured some tried to preach Christianity in places like Korea they went to Trump for help and unlike other presidents who turned their back on Americans and left them behind he did whatever it took and got them out.

He also started a program to get out some prisoners that was in for life because of drugs due to Biden and his 94 bill that had shown good and redeemed behavior. He called and meet with victims of all kinds of stuff to see how he could help and also made the boarder safe and threw special ceremonies for new immigrants getting green cards.

He hand wrote letters to every family of a dead service members family and made each one different than called to see if they needed anything. Democrats make him out to be monsterous but does all of that sound like how the media made him out to be? I see through them they are the true evil. Democrats are all in changing America to something else and that is complete control of everything. They dont even hide it really. They want no more freedoms for Americans. We are going to get what we voted for complete chaos.

Prices on everything is going to go up not a little but a lot. Gas will be all time high. Food will be shortages. Who knows about jobs and a lot more worse stuff for Americans. I bet Democrat voters would still vote for him today. Tell me why. Is that why you support Mark of the Beast Joe Biden? Strong liberal Christian? Sorry, but no.

Liberals support, even encourage abortion. They think abortion up until birth is quite alright. Murder is a sin. The brutal murder of an unborn child is unthinkable. Stop calling yourself a Christian.

What about biden releasing all the Mexicans and Afghans into the United States that have not been vaccinated dumb ass.

You are a liar, An anti-American, anti-white, neo-fascist democratic scum. You are not a Christian. You are a traitor.

Stop looking at CNN your getting brainwashed just like the rest of this country, voting for a senile bastard to run this country because of their selfish needs without thinking about the country as a whole which is presently causing its demise.

Logic has to be dominant when voting for a person and a political party to run this country. Burning peoples property, attacking the police and those in authority because of their hatred taught by the communist infiltrated schools and colleges. Wanting to defund the police who risk their lives everyday to protect the people against those who would commit crimes against them. Democratic run states not enforcing the law but enabling instead to cause innocent people to be harmed and killed.

Having no bail so the bastards who commit crimes can continue their destruction and harm to the people. Poisoning the minds of our youth and creating hatred amongst one another which for years the people of this country tried to correct which has succeeded to some degree only to have these Marxist communist bastards to try to reverse all that by their hatred and lies making those that live here hate this country and its founders.

Promoting evils of the past to be repeated. No one is perfect but logic must prevail along with our freedoms! Did you read what you wrote before you posted it??

Then you told us what we already know about both presidents. You might want to start off by blaming our education system too, who actually gives children who are learning how to SPELL, points even if they spell the word WRONG, just so long as they get a few of the letters right in the word correct!

That os what the schools jave produced, not scholars but what we call snowflakes. Everyone gets a trophy at the playoff. What incentive does that give a kid to work harder as a team to win next year. NONE, we created another team of snowflakes. God knows these type people are going to have a hard time in life. The bible is a thousands of years old and should have nothing to do with modern political leanings.

Please stop insulting God. Can you provide a well-reasoned and reliable methodology for establishing belief that your deity even exists? How does one go about believing what you believe? You sound a little misguided. The election has nothing to do with Covid. People who did not want to stand in voting lines risking the chance of catching Covid voted by mail in their State if allowed.

Trump wanted all counting of votes to be completed on Nov. He won in after mail-in ballots were counted and Hillary conceded 3 days later when that process was over. In Louis DeJoy, a Trump supporter was made postmaster general and he fouled up the post office so that mail-in ballots did not make it to destinations well after it should.

The rogue news people you speak of are who exactly? Not a single seated President has ever sat in during that closed process in just receiving the electoral college votes. It empowers greed and hypocrisy, which Jesus repeatedly spoke against, and eschews humility and love, which Jesus promoted and exemplified throughout His ministry. I will try to do the same. You are the dumbing down of America. You do the work of the oppressor under the guise of righteousness, but in the end you are just buying lies and selling your soul.

If you are not, you should be. People that support Trump, an evil man, that is a fascist racist that planned and attacked our own government.

An all white gang of thugs killed 3 policemen and injured capital policemen. This was planned by Trump and Steve Bannon and other Nazis that are causing a 2nd civil war.

You say liberals are ruining America. Are you that stupid? A wall was so stupid. Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. Mexico laughed at him and they should. You are in a cult that is just a way for Trump and his minions to steal trillions of dollars and sell, out our country.

Please go and see a phsyciatrist. What kind of ineptitude do you have to have, not to see that tRump was not qualified to be the President of the United States?? You make yourself look like a damn fool! If Trump is your hero you are fucked up. He is only a so called conservative because it is the handle he is currently using to serve his own ends.

He will glom onto anything that serves his vanity and that is simply it in a nutshell. He is an empty individual, a vulgar,crude, dense and unread knuckle dragger. He is cunning not smart and flattery will get you everywhere with the likes of him.

That is why authoritarians like Putin can wrap him around their finger. Just a Putz not a President. Why do honest men and women of good will dislike trump: It is because he is neither honest nor a man of good will.

Both conservaties and progressive people know that the waste of 4 years at a critIcal time in history has dearly cost us all. Devouring future generations to keep trump in cheap suits is bad politics and poor judgment. Border children Afghanistan Higher prices And sooooooooo much more, open your eyes.

Wow you sound like a child. Go play in your sandbox and let educated people make the decisions. They say by the end of the year there will easily be 2. They have been peeing in bags but nothing from the kids in Obama cages people say anything like a. Why would any person that loves the country go from energy independent to energy dependent in the first week of being president.

They confirmed the laptop was his like we thought it was someone else who followed hunter around taking pictures of him smoking crack and being naked with his scared looking niece on the bed. There is no waking slime like Michael above. That is the definition of insanity. You cannot reason with them and you cannot wake them with reason. And so we have a booby prize for a president. He could not get hired by to sweep-up because he could not be trusted without someone to keep track of him, DUH!

You need to see a psych doctor for Trump-Derangement Syndrome, because you have a classic case of it! Yet people like you keep screaming bout civil war and killing and exiling all the liberals and progressives because a guy who screamed 7 months before the election that he would only lose if they cheated more than him as the only fake votes found by conservative auditors are trump votes, hm brainwashed you into believing him, and donating to a man who brags about being a billionaire all your money to help him prove fraud while not spending a dime on proving said fraud and making taxpayers pay for all his audits.

Whatever you say, bud. You are more deranged than him. You idiot! Thank you, Michael! What planet do you live on. The ones that impeached and made up and spread lies all over the internet was the Democrats and they are the problem. If you believe the lies on the news and the Democrats maybe I can sell you a Bridge. This is an absurd lie. Trump was making America great and quality of life was rising. People like you are all an embarrassment to the USA. You have no values, no ehtics, no morals, and no respect to other Black, Asian, Latino, Whites or any other race that live among us as neighbors.

If he did something why is it I ask everyone to list what he did bad and I get no answer yet when they ask what good things he did I can list so many things to prove he was a good man not by words which means nothing but by actions. Bidens done a lot and I can remember especially since I have to deal with it every day when I go to the store or get gas. Energy independent vs getting everything from China. As usual Americans are last again. Joe Biden currently is enforcing policy that undermines Americans.

The likelihood that the progressives green new deal will turn the tide of climate change is slim to none. Face it out destiny here is doomed. Especially with greedy self centered foolish leadership. Progressives plan to save the world will only break the back of America.

And if you like that idea consider That without the stabilizing good of America in our world the world will revert to chaos with China leading us to Hell.

Good luck! Donald Trump was given over a half a trillion dollars by his father, a racist. Trump lost all of that money plus a lot more. He wants only wealthy white people to be able to vote and not pay taxes. A civil war has already started in the USA, which is what trump wanted.

Civilized people will fight back because they are true patriots. People like you actually believe the election was stolen, without 1 ounce of proof. Every time you try and say that a certain state did something wrong, not 1 time was it ever proven, in fact all audits have shown that President Biden won by more. Rabid dogs are put down and all idiots that still support the treasonous nazi are more dangerous than rabid dogs. Do not think for a minute that libedral patriots will fight for our country.

Evils of socialism? You are a brainwashed fool who can only assign words like evil to thing you lack either the will or intellect to comprehend. There is no blind hatred for Trump, there is eyes-wide-open recognition of a con-man pulling the wool over the eyes of suckers like you. Be careful with such people! Just tread with caution, money is hard to get! Patient is a virtue, be patient! You came here. You conquered… absolutely nothing. Very intelligent yourself apparently.

Obviously no recollection of history either because either: 1. True history has never been taught to you? You care not to research a thing and would rather be fed by the establishment like a good sheep? Us real Americans are trying to give you a better feed here. You can Trust that news. We know where you stand and you best hope your roots are strong. Because you will be up-ended. What was that word salad supposed to be?

Did you have a stroke Church, or did your phone? That explains you voting for Trump and falling for hid cons. If you voted for Joe Biden you may need psychiatric help. You voted for the worst president in US history because Trump is living in your brain rent free. The man served this country well and I appreciate his constant bullying of the elitist left, their propoganda machine, and calling out hypocrites in the swamp. You are an authoritarian loser, you think you have the right to tell people how to think, you are the reason we have a second amendment.

The history you claim to know is the whitewashed American lie, taught to, and believed by, bleating fools like you who desperately want to keep your head buried in the sand.

Stop being a little crybaby weakling victim coward, pull up your big-boy or big-girl pants, and try to accept reality. Your grammar is trash. If you Look up Envy, a deadly sin you might see a picture of Joe Biden. So, where is that money??? Jade, Seek help. TDS is a real problem in our country and is now treated by psychologists and psychiatrists as a dangerous mental disorder. If you need help finding a therapist you can PM me. Crushes what? Trump not only accomplished nothing, he unaccomplished more than anyone else.

Anyone who supports this Con is in a Cult! Stop with your hypocrisy, open your eyes and more so……try reading something intelligent!!!! My mother always told me that profanity is a sign of ignorance. I think your post has just proved her point.

You should find a new place to live — preferably away from the United States. Or lying. Just the fact of making a general statement saying the left hate America is wrong.. I never liked Trump prior to his run for President. And look into who he admires. Amen brother…. He is involved in a crime syndicate with Hunter and his brother Jim. He is a liar, a plaguerist, totally lacking in character as his crime family has exploited their influence to enrich themselves. The liberals have done a masterful job of brainwashing college kids and so many others to hate America and adopt some crazy idealized utopia.

Think for yourself and vet everything this administration says. God is Real , the liars and thieves want you to believe them , that sadly makes all the money spent on your education a sad story to your parents!

Sick and SAD! Miles, We do not hate socialists, we hate was socialists stand for. We do not want the government mandating or creating laws that will prohibit speech.

We do not want our constitutional rights infringed on. You believe the opposite and it is concerning. You think people should lose their jobs for not sticking a needle in their arm. You think people should speak how YOU want them to speak. You stand for chaos, you stand for the swamp, you stand for China. You are a legend in your own mind , congrats! Wow, liberal much, you just proved the point. You must be a stupid ignorant lil piece of shit pal.

Would love have this dialogue in face to face fashion. Probably that, and as well you have few real friends or worth. You have no idea if what it is to be American. If you believe in the Lefts ideas and where they headed, you will never find it. You crybaby conservative anti-patriots have none of the facts and all of the dumb. Look what that idiot is doing to the States , to all of us you dumbass!!! Trump is the only one that did a damn thing to make sure our economy was good!!!

The joy in my heart right now makes me want to tell everyone about the solution temple how he was able reunite both of us back together again with his reunion love spell permanently. Qanon, right wing, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers are all the same, they are riff raff that failed grade 2 and they are holding the country hostage with their constant nonsense. If we are lucky darwin will act swiftly.

Maybe you should educate yourself outside of the literal crap that the mainstream media tells you. Maybe post a few more words next time. Anyone can do what you did. Radical, socialist, communist, extremist, anti-american, neo-facists…. It is truly sad how the left has indoctrinated their sheep into believing the gutless crap ideologand disease called liberalism. He is a very sick man God help him and as one who voted Republican most of our lives, we will NOT stoop to his lying, conning, racist, women hating crap and demoralizing the disabled just to name a few of his nasty ways.

You are a toxic joke and everyone around you knows it. Another leftist with hopes of death to others -Come and get some big boy. God forbid you try to go after a patriot. They will never come after you in public.

The amount of pussy ass maniac libs I have had to put in their place this year is overwhelming. I have begged these idiots to hit me, try and beat me into submission and see what happens. We have a long road ahead but we need to continue to stand our ground for freedom. Patriot, HA. Patriotism requires sacrifice for the good of your fellow American, not lip service to some fantasy of an idealized America that has never really existed. God forbid your dumb mouth gets you in a real situation where you had to back up your empty threats, turd.

Lol dude, before spewing nonsense about the 2nd grade — YOU should probably consider retaking it. Seriously, please reflect on this and come up with an original thought.

I cant stand either party anymore but the flagrant abuse from the left makes it hard not to speak out about how corrupt they truly are.. This brings me to another lefty fake news narrative — the leftist media said Trump was a dictator? I do not recall Trump ever mandating anything at the citizen level.

Biden has in very short order though. Again, please think about these hypocrisies. Im sorry but facts do not care about your feelings.. Trump commanded the respect of foreign leaders. There were hardly any foreign conflicts for 4 years.. Democrats want pure control of every aspect in your life.. Although this will be very hard to overcome as the media continues to perpetuate lies and control the narrative. The hypocrisy of the left is startling. Why are so many vaccinated people contracting covid still?

Now liberals want the government to give them insane amounts of cash for a vaccine thats not as effective as it should be? Whatever happened to their stance against big pharma? Libs blow with the wind. No honor, no trust, no real leadership- just power hungry crazies. Common sense my ass. This is all logical fallacy and conclusion jumping. You are incredibly biased and appear to have no idea.

The vast majority of those unvaccinated in the south are black democrats. This is not actually true. I double dipped.. My question is.. Why are you threatened by someone who poses no threat to you? Next largest group is under 40 Women of Color. Last I checked that demographic more often than not vote Dem.

And President Biden is dictating how American Citizens live their lives. Dream on. This left wing dream always turns into a nightmare.

How many people are crashing China,N. Korea, Cuba, Venezuela wanting to create a better life there? No Darwin…. Lol you people make me literally sick. The idiot you elected handed billions of dollars in our weapons to a terrorist group who took over Afghanistan, oh, did I say handed he got punked.

Are you really this stupid? Anti vaxxers? You understand that all these supposed to get wing elite are all getting filthy rich off all of you? You get that right? Look at what happens when faced with real life situations, they crumble. I never thought I would see the day when I would be ready to separate this country.

I keep thinking you liberals are smart enough to see what will happen if you keep poking the bear with a stick. People died because of your ignorance.

By your own man or woman. And do it quick before you idiots ruin this country. Jesus is our only savior We have the right to make personal decisions about our body not the government.

A hater of capitalism and every single beautiful principle upon which our country was founded. Always trying to change our great nation into something our founders never intended it to be. We are all safer and better off their coffee is good. Ignirant much? As for education? You might find that the rural red states kids do best in school.

Grow up. Get a life, and make your own way, stop worrying about why others are better than you and how they got there. Instead you turn on your television, Radio or connected device and repeat the narrative that is being fed to you over and over again until you accept it as truth. Darwin was a man and a name… Deserves capitalization. Hopefully you can learn something from a useless, right-leaning, anti-masker, Liberty-minded American white man.

As small a gesture as it is. My gift to you. We will get further if we work together. Change is good but it must be for everyone not just one side. We have become very lazy cause of the work it would take to come together and work it out. More time and alot more patience for one another. Good will to men, women, children no matter what blood runs through our veins.

After all arent we all human. Will it take a space war from some unknown to bring us together.. They are just waiting for us to destroy ourselves so they dont have to fight for the take over.

Love and wishing all wellness to everyone. In some things you have said you are right, But make no mistake about it.

This article, I have just noticed, was first published in May In January Trump was in his last year as president. In his final year, , Americans died from Covid. This has everything to do with Trump hiding the ball when Covid hit, in order to keep his economic numbers looking good. Then we have his not paying taxes and scamming America out of what he should be paying, for many years while all the rest of us had to. While in office Trump he gave contracts for infrastructure projects, instead of allowing them to be bid on.

Trump said American manufacturers should come back to the USA and bring home jobs, yet his merchandise for his hotels, red hats and teeshirts etc. He decided to abandon the Khurds to ISIS after they helped America, then decided to make a deal with the Taliban … who were not running the government we had been propping up for 20 years…. None of what I just mentioned has anything to do with lefty politics. Yet, these facts and many others which cannot be disputed get ignored by his supporters who are happy to throw the rule of law under the bus … and give Trump a free pass.

Why would an American, who knows this country was built on the blood, sweat and tears of ancestors who fought for law and order … be happy to let Trump the swindler … who has done nothing but massage their egos about how being white is right … let him get away with it? So much for mis-placed patriotism.

They meant that due to Trumps terrible handling of covid, that it became as bad as it is in the usa. Perfect answer. People not vac. Stupid stupid people. Of course they know everything.

What do you not understand about a morbidity of. What is so hard? Do you now know basic math? Do you not know, that driving to your local grocery store has greater odds of you dying?

Why are you such a fool and easily manipulated by the the liberal loonies? Did you not pass the standardized test…oops sorry, I forgot, you liberals implemented no requirements for math or reading comprehension. Susan that was a brutal response. Candace Owens was so right when she said she feels like shes teaching common sense to pre-schoolers.. After awhile it just gets old! Heres the thing.. It doesnt even matter to you whether you actually believe those falsehoods. Do you wanna know how I know this?

Bc every single thing you accused him of or blamed him for has already been proven false! Most of it was proven before bidens fake inauguration! The greatest country on earth. This is a battle of good vs evil! So stop behaving that way! I bet u blame him for the delta varient too, during bidens admin.. Why not blame him for Wendys changing their fries while ur at it!

Do you still not see ur hypicrisy?! Never has this country been where we are today, ever!! We are battling spiritual warfare! Again, good vs evil! Why do Dr. And that is precisely what conservatives have been doing, meanwhile the democrats keep blaming Trump… I cant even put into words how stupid that is!!

But since u wanna live in the past, then start with the clintons, thats only fair!! Make sure not to leave Osama out Fortunately, many have turned away fr the democrat party this year. Its not a party anymore, Its the spread of evil! So why is it biden isnt? Why is he always absent or vacationing? Why has he not even been expected to answer ques fr the press? You dont have to be a rocket scientist to see hes planning something… Taliban vs American citizens, perhaps?!! Still dont see the pattern yet do ya… Candace, you nailed it!

God, you people are so dumb! Love it! You are right on target. You can shove verifiable facts down their throats and their willingness to choke on it. These type of people are literally mentally unhealthy. Then come up with some out of the universe theory and run with it like gospel. They have completely lost sight of the American dream and became brainwashed by liberal hacks whose only educational goals towards our children is to turn them against us.

Any educator who brings their politics or ideology into class is the very first step of a dangerous indoctrination process. I applaud your passion and obvious love of country. I am a retired United States Marine.

I have been to some pretty raggedy places all over this earth. There is no place like home. In the meantime these self-proclaimed communists are dead set and already rolling out their control agenda.

We have only a few years to try and save our Republic. I can only pray that we survive this battle of good versus evil. No one has simply chosen to dislike Trump. He posses no admirable qualities. Is he thoughtful, reflective, insightful? No Is he kind, respectful, honest?

No Is humorous, clever, witty? No Is he a bully? Yes Is he a cheater? Yes Is he successful? I might be rich. Do you, or anyone else want your son to grow to be like him? Not me. You suffer from the very typical leftist envy of anyone who is successful in life!

Get a life and stop your Commie envy Campaign!! Jeff Bezos is the laziest man on earth whose parents supported him well into his thirties. Im pretty successful and i retired early. I want to see everyone do well.

Republicans are holding us back on almost every level. And by the way, Republicans hate democracy. In Jesuses Mighty name! You realize that everything you just said is total bullshit. He did no such thing, other than what the left wing news media reported which if you actually were to do a little investigation instead of relying on the media to teach you with their total bullshit hating Trump lies you would know the truth.

All I heard was Trump was a muderer because of the Covid deaths, but somehow Biden is doing a great job. Let me tell you, this administration could give a crap less about your life. All they care about is numbers and making themselves look good. This vaccine mandate is in total disregard of the constitution of this country.

Inflation is through the roof, gas prices up almost double what they were, a complete fiasco of the Afghanistan withdrawal by pulling troops out ahead of citizens. Citizens first. Destroy all unused weapons, keep the base open and then withdraw, but this idiot decided he knew best. I was only a fricken Sargent in the military and I knew that myself.

Open borders with people pouring in daily unvaxed but citizens losing their jobs for not taking it. You believe everything these left wing media outlets tell you. By the way. I just use my IQ and investigate things instead of being a sheep. My husband was diagnosed of Parkinsons disease 2 years ago, when he was He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also a pulsating feeling in his body.

He was placed on Senemet for 8 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet, during this time span he was also diagnosed with dementia. He started having hallucinations, lost touch with reality. He is now almost 61 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! Your an idiot! It all of these elites that are being down America, not one side or the other. Do your research,read things other than your party affiliations propaganda!

Only died of coronavirus under Trump. The only way America will survive is to get rid of the communists. At least when Trump was in office our economy flourished. Democrats only know how to put us into recession or worst, a depression. My friends, Biden is lurking in recession waters. Hope all who voted him in are prepared for this.

Non if that is the least true. The IRS has never reported him once, not once of not paying his taxes. I guess you must blame the Vaccines on him too? Since his administration was the ones who actually got the companies to get going on it. Yeah he was the one pushing for the alternative treatments, instead of limiting people access like the Biden Administration is doing.

Holding back treatments to specific groups for political reasons? Get help, or GTFO and leave. I am sorry that you paint a president that was and still is the greatest of all time. If you lift up Biden as a good president. He is been a failure ever sonde he entered politics!!

He is on track to destroy our country and constitution. He needs to be charged with treason. For him and all the administration. No wonder everyone chants Fxxx Biden everywhere he goes. Do you like your freedom? The pseudo-patriotism on this forum is mind-numbing. It does not seem like the users of this forum know anything of real patriotism—it is just a buzzword being thrown around. My grandpa enlisted in the U. Navy the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed.

Many men died that day, thankfully, my grandpa survived. This brave man and many of his peers enlisted to stop the atrocities that Fascism idealizes. Every one of you trump supporters should be ashamed of yourselves. How dare you support a man who has ties to Neo-Nazis and white supremacist hate groups. Any service that is provided by the government for the public good is a form of socialism—public libraries, fire departments, the police, highways, the state, and the federal prison system, are all forms of socialism.

Your mealy-mouthed, orange menace, and his sycophants plotted an insurrection to overthrow the government because he is not man enough to accept that he lost the election. Your only use to trump is if can get you to cough up money. Keep spreading that fear and hate to your sheep fake patriot. Stay brainwashed fake patriot while you cry about masks and vaccines but take away womens and voters constitutional rights.

Or they refuse vaccines and masks out of misplaced disloyalty to a disgraced, corrupt, twice impeached liar and bully who was never qualified to be president to begin with and would bring the entire country down and destroy our confidence in our democracy just because he is a spoiled brat and a sore loser.

So the pussies that they are, arm themselves with bricks, rocks, bats, etc, and their little plastic helmets, and head into their war zone to riot, set buildings on fire, yell at police, and hopefully smash their way into drug stores in the hopes of stealing all the good drugs,,opioids, Adderall, Xanax, etc. Then bolt and head to a liquor store to complete their shopping. Instead black so called leaders in charge of that organization enslaved other blacks to enrich and benefit themselves.

But they love you slaves live and learn folks!! Woke means: Shit!! I slept til noon again, when i wanted to be up by ,, I knew i should have past on them last few rocks!!

Crack Damn Trump!! Where is the proof Trump is a career criminal? Trump killed , people? You mean he released the virus in China knowing it was coming to America? How many lives were saved due his leadership and success of th vaccine? No one else did this. No other country, leader or individual.

If Trump was so bad, what the hell do you call this Presidential Chernobyl? Another if orany Lefty. My question to the brain dead left… If Vaccines work, and you have it, then why are you worried? Ever heard of Natural Immunity? You know, people who had it, like a cold or flu. They have 27x the antibodies if a Vaxed person. You are right!

The weak and blind that have been lead to slaughter , the dark one persuaded! I KNOW! You are not too bright, need to get a little smarter about life you are a little mixed up. Did you? This is a very common misconception among MAGA, ultra conservative types about liberals.

Me, I am a flaming liberal all my life, who worked since the age of 13, worked my way through college and settled into a comfy middle class life till retirement.

No food stamps, no gvt handouts, and the same for most of my large family and circle of friends. However, I can afford to be kind to others, share a meal or a little time to help out folks that need it, and believe that our country can afford to take care of those less fortunate.

Does that idea offend you? Do you consider yourself a Christian person as its hard to tell from your statement? BTW, I also think it will be awesome when Biden gets his infrastructure bill through! How do we get there without taking first steps? You can go back to the basement and take off your tinfoil hat please. Bonjino does not do that the government and the IRS absolutely do that and Carter page proves it with a fake fisa warrant. I have come to an undeniable conclusion: Whoever came up with the Democrate representation of a jackass was a genius.

I was reading through this. My, how you love each other. After all, Christianity was originally an Eastern religion. Every year, people make it sound like it's doomsday all over. But I do think this election will determine the direction of the country. Thompson thinks a lot of the problems on Election Day come down to logistical issues that could be fixed. Fifty-one percent of respondents thought that making Election Day a national holiday would allow more people to cast a ballot.

Similar shares agreed that more information about the candidates from unbiased sources 51 percent or early in-person voting 52 percent would help, too. And that might be because concrete barriers are only one piece of the puzzle.

For most of her life, the year-old has lived in two states, Illinois and Oregon, which both overwhelmingly vote for Democrats in presidential elections. Nearly a quarter cited some of the structural barriers we mentioned above. But another 31 percent said that they decided not to vote because they disliked the candidates or they thought nothing would change as a result of the election 26 percent. But getting to a similar place might be harder for other occasional voters or nonvoters.

For one thing, occasional voters 80 percent and nonvoters 68 percent are less likely to believe that politicians have an impact on their lives than consistent voters 84 percent.

Similarly, people who vote sometimes 78 percent or rarely 60 percent are much less likely than voters who vote almost all of the time 85 percent to say that there are people in politics who look like them — which could in turn make it harder to trust or identify with the candidates running for office. Every vote should count. Twenty-three percent said this of Democrats and 31 percent of Republicans. That perception may be turning off some voters who might otherwise be more likely to cast a ballot.

Martinez, who identifies as Mexican American, said he thinks Republicans benefit from lower turnout from people like him. Andrea Johnson, meanwhile, has voted in the past but thinks that not voting this year is the best way to send a message to the parties. This year, though, there are signs that we could be heading for record-breaking voter turnout.

And if that happens, it could be due in large part to the fact that a lot of people who vote only sometimes cast a ballot this year. According to our survey, 82 percent of these voters are following the election somewhat or very closely, and 93 percent are planning to vote in — very close to the share of those who say they always vote 97 percent.

For voters like Amanda Robey, 38, this election feels like a chance to hit the reset button. She regretted that decision almost immediately. In interviews and the survey, we found, time and again, an increased sense of urgency to vote among less-frequent voters. The statewide restrictions put in place during the COVID pandemic, for one, convinced Lila Haddad, 31, to start paying more attention to down-ballot races. But those feelings might not persist. This year, many Americans on both sides of the political divide feel a need to participate that overrides their distaste for the candidates and the system, but it may not last.

Each individual voter will face a new calculus two or four years from now, when the political context could be quite different. Eduardo Martinez, for instance, said that if Trump loses the popular vote but wins the Electoral College, he might not bother voting in the future. Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux. Jasmine Mithani. Anna Rothschild. Sarah Frostenson.


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