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Constructors in Java. Interfaces in Java. Keywords in Java. Exception Handling in Java. Collection Framework. Multi-threading in Java. Table of Contents. Every programmer might do different things and think it is fine to alter its state.
After a dozen functions have used the object, it is almost impossible to determine its current state. Furthermore, setters allow you to check for illegal values and can throw an error in response. For example, if you cannot produce blue bikes, you can include a conditional statement that prevents the user from setting the color to blue In a real program, you would have to add this check to the constructor and set an appropriate default value.
As a general heuristic, you should always use the most restrictive access modifier while still being able to implement the logic you need. Python has a different culture of access restriction when compared to Java that relies less on strict access controls. This begs the question of whether Python even has encapsulation. Python has encapsulation, but it does not have explicit access modifiers such as private or protected.
Instead, variables and methods can be made private by prefacing the method name with 2 underscores and protected by prefacing them with 1 underscore. Instance variables are not made private by default. Getters and setters can be created but doing so goes against the philosophy of Python, which values simplicity. As you can see, the constructor method is preceded by two underscores making it inaccessible for outside code.
The instance variables, however, remain publicly accessible. By default, you set and get them directly. Well, the different philosophies of Java and Python are due to different purposes in the languages.
Oracle created Java with the purpose of building large enterprise software systems. Python was invented by a single guy on holiday who needed a simple solution for building utility tools for scientific computing. While Python was created as a fully object-oriented language from the start, it was never intended as a replacement for Java or the C languages in enterprise software development. That being said, you can build software in Python, and there are ways to imitate the behavior of setters and getters to prevent anyone from setting the value of variables to anything.
Let's see another example of encapsulation that has only four fields with its setter and getter methods. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. Mail us on [email protected] , to get more information about given services.
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