How does crystallography work

Growing good salt crystals is easy, but producing a crystal of a complex molecule like a protein is often met with failure. Many scientists have built their careers by just learning how to build good quality crystals of a particular protein.

One way to do this is to use more powerful X-rays. Just as a bright torch is more revealing than a candle, the more energy in an X-ray beam the smaller the crystal required to get a good diffraction pattern. The X-ray source used by the Braggs was a small glass tube resembling a light bulb. It produced X-rays just strong enough to reveal the structure of a simple salt crystal.

In contrast modern light sources are vast particle accelerators called synchrotrons, like the Diamond Light Source. These instruments can be hundreds of meters across and produce beams tens of thousands of times more powerful than the Sun itself.

And with these incredible beams scientists can extract structures from smaller and smaller crystals, until it become possible to do away with crystals. The first length can be determined with ease, but the other two require far more work, including remounting the crystal so that it rotates around that particular axis.

The crystals that form are frozen in liquid nitrogen and taken to the synchrotron which is a highly powered tunable x-ray source. They are mounted on a goniometer and hit with a beam of x-rays.

Data is collected as the crystal is rotated through a series of angles. The angle depends on the symmetry of the crystal. Proteins are among the many biological molecules that are used for x-ray Crystallography studies. They are involved in many pathways in biology, often catalyzing reactions by increasing the reaction rate.

Most scientists use x-ray Crystallography to solve the structures of protein and to determine functions of residues, interactions with substrates, and interactions with other proteins or nucleic acids. Proteins can be co - crystallized with these substrates, or they may be soaked into the crystal after crystallization.

Proteins will solidify into crystals under certain conditions. These conditions are usually made up of salts, buffers, and precipitating agents. This is often the hardest step in x-ray crystallography. Hundreds of conditions varying the salts, pH, buffer, and precipitating agents are combined with the protein in order to crystallize the protein under the right conditions. This is done using 96 well plates; each well containing a different condition and crystals; which form over the course of days, weeks, or even months.

Introduction In , Wilhelm Rontgen discovered x- rays. Diffraction Diffraction is a phenomena that occurs when light encounters an obstacle. Bragg's Law Diffraction of an x-ray beam, occurs when the light interacts with the electron cloud surrounding the atoms of the crystalline solid. Instrument Components The main components of an x-ray instrument are similar to those of many optical spectroscopic instruments. The Source x-ray tubes provides a means for generating x-ray radiation in most analytical instruments.

X-ray Filter Monochromators and filters are used to produce monochromatic x-ray light. Needle Sample Holder The sample holder for an x-ray diffraction unit is simply a needle that holds the crystal in place while the x-ray diffractometer takes readings. Signal Converter In x-ray diffraction, the detector is a transducer that counts the number of photons that collide into it. Fourier Transform In mathematics, a Fourier transform is an operation that converts one real function into another.

Crystallization In order to run an x-ray diffraction experiment, one must first obtain a crystal. X-ray Crystallography of Proteins The crystals that form are frozen in liquid nitrogen and taken to the synchrotron which is a highly powered tunable x-ray source.

Protein Crystallization Proteins will solidify into crystals under certain conditions. Andy Fisher in the Structural Biology lab. Michelle Towles was a research assistant to Sean Gay and purified the protein and set up the crystal trays.

References Skoog, D. The British chemist William Hyde Wollaston took the study of crystals to new levels of precision, developing specialist instruments to examine and measure structure. Wollaston reputedly used the models on the below right in his lectures on crystallography, including one to the Royal Society in announcing his key ideas on the subject. A new method to visualise the microscopic world was pioneered in This was the birth of x-ray crystallography.

Max von Laue, a German physics professor, was performing experiments with the relatively recently discovered x-rays. By bombarding crystals with x-rays, he hoped to find out if the rays consisted of particles or waves—the pattern they displayed on a photographic plate indicated the latter.

Employing a clever instrument and mathematics, the Braggs developed x-ray photographs of crystals, revealing how their atoms were arranged. From there, they were able to construct three-dimensional models or diagrams of atomic structures. In our collection we have the x-ray spectrometer used by William Bragg in pioneering this technique, work for which the Braggs were soon after awarded the Nobel Prize.

X-ray crystallography quickly became a revolutionary new field of science, driven by the development of the x-ray camera. Scientists uncovered increasingly complex atomic structures, visualised in the pre-computer age by beautiful molecular models. See the model in degrees. Plaster of Paris model of tobacco mosaic virus made at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. Revolutionary in their field, the Braggs were also progressive in their views on women working as scientists.

They encouraged many to take up x-ray crystallography at a time when science was almost completely male-dominated. It did not take long until the Max von Laue's discovery was recognized as very important. In fact, in the same year of Laue's experiment, William Henry Bragg and his son William Lawrence Bragg realized that if atoms inside crystals diffract X-rays and give rise to a diffraction pattern, this pattern should contain enough information to extract the relative positions of atoms in the crystal, that is to go backwards and retrace the path of diffraction.

These scientists interpreted the phenomenon of diffraction with a simple geometric law: atoms in crystals occupy virtual planes that behave as mirrors, but reflecting X-rays only for certain angular positions of incident X-rays Bragg's law. Father and son shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in for demonstrating the usefulness of the phenomenon discovered by von Laue in studying the internal structure of crystals.

The importance of Bragg's work cannot be overstated, for it heralded a revolution in the scientific understanding of crystals and their atomic arrangements. This discovery led to many of the most important scientific achievements of the last century, and these continue to the present day. To prove their theory, the Braggs were able to determine the atomic structure of simple materials such as sodium chloride common salt or the mineral zinc blende zinc sulfide.

Although in those years these researchers were not able to solve the structure of more complex materials, over the time Crystallography has been able to answer a very large number of fundamental questions on various aspects of both inanimate and living matter.

Atomic and molecular structure of a DNA fragment. To understand the difficulty we face, we need to remember what happens when a crystal is illuminated with X-rays When the X-ray waves pass through a crystal they interfere with each other, giving rise to waves that deviate from the line defined by the incident beam. When these new waves reach the photographic plate they produce a snapshot characteristic of each crystal species such as a fingerprint. This is what we call a diffraction pattern.

Example of how the two waves, shown at the top, add or subtract depending on their relative positions , to generate a resultant wave thick line below. Animation taken from The Pennsylvania State University And although we cannot see them with our eyes, each of these waves is added to or subtracted from its neighbors, being reinforced or decreased, generating a resultant wave, as shown in the figure above.


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