Hemorrhoids are swollen, irritated veins around the anus or rectum that can last for varying lengths of time. In some people, hemorrhoids clear up on their own after a few days. In other cases, they can become a regular occurrence. Some people may need medication or medical procedures to minimize their symptoms and shrink the hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can cause pain and make simple activities, such as sitting or walking, uncomfortable or challenging.
There is no set duration for hemorrhoids. Small hemorrhoids may clear up without any treatment within a few days. Large, external hemorrhoids may take longer to heal and can cause significant pain and discomfort. If hemorrhoids have not resolved within a few days, it is best to see a doctor for treatment. Some of the above factors can also make it difficult for hemorrhoids to heal, allowing the problem to persist for longer.
Some hemorrhoids do not require treatment and will clear up on their own within a few days. During this time, a person should rest and avoid doing anything that strains or puts pressure on the area. Over-the-counter OTC treatments may work for some people. Medicated creams, such as phenylephrine gel Preparation H , can help relieve itching and discomfort. If OTC treatments have little or no effect, a doctor may be able to prescribe more effective ointments.
People who often have hemorrhoids or experience complications, such as blood in the stool, should speak to a doctor. The doctor may recommend alternative treatments or run tests to rule out underlying causes. People who experience severe hemorrhoids may need more intensive treatment, including medical procedures.
These procedures may include:. There is a selection of hemorrhoid treatments available for purchase online. For people who get hemorrhoids regularly, some dietary and lifestyle changes may help with healing and prevention. Straining during bowel movements is a common cause of hemorrhoids, but people can make dietary adjustments to reduce their need to strain.
Including plenty of fiber-rich foods in the diet is generally beneficial. You cannot see them, but they can cause symptoms. For more information visit www. External hemorrhoids are visible on the outside of the anus and originate in the lower part of the anus. These can become inflammed and the blood inside the veins can become clotted. This is a thrombosed, or clotted, hemorrhoid.
Internal Hemorrhoids are generally not visible on the outside. This is because they originate higher up in the anal canal. Internal hemorrhoids more commonly cause bleeding after a bowel movement. If internal hemorrhoids become large and severe, they can push out through the anus, becoming visible. This can be very painful. This is especially true if the hemorrhoid becomes trapped in the anal muscle and cannot go back inside. Most of the time, hemorrhoid symptoms go away after a few days even without treatment.
If not, treatment focuses on relieving the pain. One of the most important steps in treating hemorrhoids is to avoid constipation. Besides pushing and straining to move your bowels can worsen existing hemorrhoids. It also increases your risk of developing new hemorrhoids. It is important to see your doctor if you notice bleeding from your rectum. You need to make sure the cause is hemorrhoids and not some other problem. If you have bothersome hemorrhoids after using conservative measures, you may want to consider a minimally invasive procedure.
Rubber band ligation is the most widely used procedure to treat hemorrhoids. It is successful in approximately 70 to 80 percent of patients. Your doctor will place rubber bands or rings around the base of an internal hemorrhoid. This restricts the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. It shrinks and degenerates over several days. Many patients report a sense of "tightness" after the procedure. You can use a warm sitx bath to improve comfort.
Delayed bleeding may occur when the rubber band falls off. This usually occurs two to four days after the procedure. In some cases, a raw and sore area develops one to five to days later. Other less common complications of rubber band ligation include:. These methods of treatment involve the use of laser or infrared light or heat to destroy your internal hemorrhoids. During sclerotherapy, we inject a chemical solution into hemorrhoidal tissue.
This causes the tissue to break down and form a scar. Sclerotherapy may be less effective than rubber band ligation. If you continue to have hemorrhoids, despite conservative or minimally invasive therapies, you may need surgical removal of hemorrhoids. We call this hemorrhoidectomy. Surgery is the treatment of choice for patients with large internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidectomy involves surgically removing excess hemorrhoidal tissue.
We can do this in various ways, but it is generally done under general anesthesia with the patient asleep. It is successful in 95 percent of patients. This is generally a same-day surgery. Most people are able to return to work and other activities in about weeks. You may have a small amount of bleeding on the dressing or after having a bowel movement. This can last for a couple weeks.
Quick - most bandings take only a minute. Time consuming. Higher incidence of pain. Learn more about Hemorrhoid Banding ». High recurrence rate. Effective on all grades of hemorrhoids. Not effective for higher grade hemorrhoids.
Learn more about Infrared Coagulation Therapy ». Pain medication often administered. Higher potential for complications. Learn more about Sclerotherapy ». No capital expenditure. High capital expenditure. Learn more about HET ».
Provides permanent relief. Can treat all grades of hemorrhoids. Uses painless, gentle suction.