And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. How much time do you spend reading the Bible each day? View Results. We hope what you find here will add to your understanding of and appreciation for the Bible. July 13, Peter heals a man who had been lame his entire life we learn later in Acts that the man was over 40 years old : One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon.
The man died because Paul talked him to sleep and he fell out of a window: On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. No related posts. Filed under Bible Study Tagged as acts , apostles , healing , miracles , new testament. Search the Blog. Follow biblegateway. Click to show error Error: Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.
Bible Gateway 7 months ago. None 5 minutes or less 5- 30 minutes 30 - 60 minutes 1 - 2 hours More than 2 hours View Results. Paul healed a woman possessed by an evil spirit The miraculous earthquake unloosed all the chains and doors in the Philippian prison In Ephesus, twelve men spoke in tongues, and prophesied Paul performed other miracles in Ephesus , In Troas, Paul raised Eutychus from the dead Paul was not affected by the viper at Melita He also healed those on the island who were diseased Is it rational to think that Paul is going to walk onto some island in the Mediterranean and convert many people simply because he is convincing, or friendly —or was there some other reason?
To the contrary, they observed indisputable deeds that confirmed the message of the apostle. In case after case, many believed the message that was confirmed by the miracles. This is one reason for the amazing success that the gospel enjoyed in the first century. Commentaries for Matthew Articles about The Apostles' Healing in Acts. What Is the Spiritual Gift of Healing? Candice Lucey.
Roger Barrier. What Does the Bible Say about Healing? Dawn Wilson. Sandra Hamer Smith. Emma Danzey. How Long Should a Pastor Preach? Clarence L. Haynes Jr. Britt Mooney.
These occur nine times, and are the most frequent. Luke refers to them at and records that they are the things which Jesus did when with the disciples. These would include healing, expelling of demons, miracles with nature and food, raising the dead, being transported from one place to another. There are at least two significant observations which need to be made: 1 There are twenty occasions when church growth is directly related to Signs and Wonders. It seems clear from this survey of Acts that Signs and Wonders played a vital and integral part in the spread of the gospel.
Has this stopped being the case? Surely not! The Holy Spirit still seeks to become involved in a similar way in churches today, as he has sought to do down through the centuries, so that the spread of the gospel might be accelerated. The New Testament pages are full of the miracles which occurred in the ministry of Jesus and the disciples. There are, however, four instances of men who appear to have not received healing.
No reason or purpose is mentioned for their lack of healing, with the possible exception of Paul Galatians - There is one more often disputed text concerning Paul himself—he writes about his "thorn in the flesh" at 2 Corinthians This text is usually combined with the Galatians text to suggest that the "thorn" was a physical ailment for which Paul never received a healing.
The context, however, in which this appears seems to indicate that his "thorn" was opposition from others cf. Nevertheless, this whole area needs further investigation and clarification. So from Jerusalem all the way round to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.