How much happy are you

Or I have much happiness. That's not comparative in any way. It's nonstandard but still grammatical. Colleen V, I edited my question, Please re-enable it — user Thanks for adding more information. If you want to make sure I see your message, you need to put an in front of my username and not put any spaces in it, like ColleenV — ColleenV. You seem to know the rules. Use a comparative adjective form with much: much happier, much better, etc.

BTW, in "I don't talk to her much" "much" is not used with a noun. This "much" is different from "much" in "I don't have much time. This may help - macmillandictionary. It's just randomly not very idiomatic. Sometimes to analyse it you would need to do a deep study of the history of how language is used.

Show 6 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Your results will be displayed on the next page. If you would like a record of your results and a link to our free introductory course on the Science of Happiness please enter your name and email. Your email address:. Your name:. Improve your score: enroll in our Certificate Course!

Recent scientific evidence shows that specific life skills, such as building close relationships, regular exercise, and reducing screen time, prevent depression and maintain wellbeing throughout the lifespan. Thanks to the heartfelt dedication of our volunteers and donors, about 5 million visitors, including faculty and students from 1, secondary schools, 2, universities, and representatives of more than governmental organizations from around the globe, have accessed our educational resources, including lesson plans and web pages on the science of happiness and well-being.

Skip to content. Once or twice a month. Once or twice a week. Three times a week or more. About once a day. I feel much happier than I did yesterday. I feel much happier than I would feel if I had flunked the exam. The first sentence compares the state of happiness to some other point in time. The second sentence compares the state of happiness to a hypothetical situation.

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Learn more. What's the difference between "I feel much happy now" and "I feel much happier now"? Ask Question. Wealthier people tend to be in better health, and better health has an impact on happiness. Of course, happiness also comes from relationships, job satisfaction and just enjoying life. But money in the bank gives us greater options in many of these categories.


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