We might not always realise it, but the brain is constantly comparing our current situation with our memories of previous situations. So when a decision feels intuitive, it might in fact be based on years of experience. Some decisions require fast thinking when there is not time to weigh up all the options before reaching a conclusion Credit: Getty Images.
Take job interviews, for example. Despite most companies still relying on them, there is ample evidence that standard interviews are not a good way of selecting the best candidate. But despite all these biases and more, there are times when fast thinking serves us well and can even be logical.
Some people are better at making intuitive judgements than others. Research has suggested that students are quite good at judging their own uncertainty over an answer on a multiple choice test Credit: Getty Images. Could any of these cognitive biases be sending you astray? You may also have an easier time listening to your body. How funny is it when you think of someone and then they text out of the blue, or you randomly see them at a coffee shop?
So why not see what the reason might be? Who knows? Try to listen to your sneaking suspicion that something is off or wrong. The one thing you should probably never doubt is the gut feeling that you aren't safe.
Think about all the times you walk around at night, go into parking garages, or travel alone. Does your gut steer you away from shadowy corners? Does your inner voice scream out to turn around? Allan says this might feel like "a sensation in your stomach that feels warm and safe and happy. Have you ever had a nagging feeling you were getting sick or something was off with your body, and it turned out to be true? We know our bodies better than anyone else and can often pick up on subtle changes and imbalances.
When it comes to anything medical or health-related, the safest bet is to get checked out. If your gut is telling you something is wrong, don't ignore it. Are you feeling the urge to start a new career or move across the country? Sometimes our intuition knows what's right for us before our conscious mind does. Whatever idea you have for your next big move may seem risky, but if your gut is persistently telling you to take the risk anyway, you may just want to listen.
And lastly, just as gut feelings can tell us when someone is good for us, they can also tell us when someone is, well, not so good for us. If you're being manipulated in any way, for example, Allan says it can lead to feelings of disgust in the gut. But as you start to listen to your gut and intuition more closely, you'll be able to better distinguish between what's real and what's not.
Allan echoes this point, telling mbg, "The main danger of giving free rein to your gut feelings is you could be projecting. She offers this example: Say you were cheated on in the past and you're convinced your newest partner is a cheater, too.
Or, alternatively, you could be projecting your fantasy or idealization onto someone you're just meeting because you really want to find love. What you think is your intuition telling you "They're the one" could just be another projection. With that in mind, pairing your gut with the logical mind or getting some outside perspective from a friend can help.
If you're someone who deals with anxiety, distinguishing between anxious fears and intuition may be a challenge. But as Allan previously clarified for mbg, "Intuition comes from a calm and mindful state that is not emotional and is therefore objective to the energy or messages that come through [ She adds that honing your intuition and gut feelings takes self-awareness and trust, as well as noticing the patterns of when your intuition was right or wrong, and when you were experiencing anxiety or not.
And that, she says, "is everyone's journey—just to learn what sensation, what vibe, what energy, is accurate. Gut feelings are physical manifestations of our intuition—but they're not always accurate.
With patience and practice, as your spiritual life gets deeper , you'll be better able to tell when you're receiving a gut feeling that should be trusted. Albert Einstein 4 Reasons To Listen To Your Intuition Your body is linked in more ways than you can imagine, and listening to the feelings from your mind, heart and gut requires courage. Your intuition helps you make decisions quickly and allows you to adapt to rapidly changing conditions.
Playtime is essentially practicing for when your decisions really count. Treat that inner voice as a valuable commodity. You can retrain your brain to help your heart, gut and mind work efficiently together. Intuition is like a muscle--it needs to be exercised or it will shrivel up. If you constantly stamp down on these feelings they may eventually be silenced.
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