Very rarely do you see the bad ones because people who buy units on a regular basis don't buy the bad ones. Now consider additional expenses for auction day. You will need a way to haul the items you win. Many storage unit businesses only give you until noon the next day to empty the locker.
Do you drive there with a trailer or truck to start hauling items, even though you may not win an auction that day? If it is far away, it would be wise to do this. If it is nearby, you could win the auction, take as much stuff you can fit in the vehicle you came in and then come back to get your stuff with the trailer or truck.
Can you borrow one? If not, you will need to research how much it would cost to rent one. Will you need to pay for extra time and rent this unit? Sometimes the auctions are a caravan auction , which means that a large storage unit company that owns units in different locations will have them all on the same day.
You start at one location in one town, then drive to the next location. Sometimes they are in the same area, just a few miles from each other. Sometimes they are 45 minutes apart in another town or city.
Don't forget your buddy! It is very difficult to do this business alone. You need someone to help you lift the big items and it is safer to travel in a pair. Make sure you keep your help fed and hydrated. When you plan the gas money portion of the budget, plan for several trips if necessary. Consider if you will be hauling a trailer or using a rented or borrowed truck and how much extra gas it might take. An unwritten rule of storage auctions is to keep quiet if you see anything of great value.
So be prepared for your first auction to be a little bit underwhelming with people quietly bidding on different things for much smaller amounts of money. Be sure to set a strict budget for yourself before making your way to any storage auction so that you know when to get out of a bidding war or when your day is over.
Most storage facilities require that winning buyers clear out their purchased storage units within 24 to 48 hours. By going through the unit quickly, you can also better separate trash from what you plan on selling or keeping for yourself. All units purchased must be completely emptied and swept out. The buyer may also sign a rental agreement for the unit and keep the space as long as they need. There is one exception that can occur from time to time.
This happens only if personal items were found inside the contents while the buyer was cleaning out the storage unit. We ask that any photographs or personal documents found in the storage unit are either left in the unit after it has been fully cleaned out otherwise, or turned in to the property manager.
If we receive any items like this, we will hold on to them for 30 additional days after the auction. During that time, we make attempts to reach the tenant to come by and collect them.
We understand items like this are irreplaceable, and we want to make every attempt to return them to the rightful owner. Another thing to keep in mind is that what you see on TV is not a reality in most cases.
It is a very rare occasion to find something of extreme monetary value inside an auctioned unit. That adds up to a large number of auctions to make one show! Most times the main score is furniture in good shape that can be sold. Sometimes extra clothes and linens, and appliances and electronics can be sold as well. A lot of the buyers on those shows own a consignment or second-hand store where they sell what they purchase at storage auctions.
To wrap up, storage auctions are something we never like to see happen to anyone. However, it is just a part of the business that we must deal with. However, bidding on storage auctions is a huge gamble, as buyers often pay more than the contents are worth.
When assessing the value of a storage facility, there are a few things to consider. Fans of Storage Hunters and Storage Wars will be familiar with the exciting prospect of hidden treasures lurking in abandoned units.
And, while most storage units up for auction contain common household items such as furniture, clothing or paperwork, there have been some valuable finds at storage auctions across the world.
Want to find out when our next storage auction is? Why not follow us on eBay? If you have any concerns or worries, please take a look at our terms and conditions page or get in touch with a member of our team now. Decluttering Your Home Storage Auctions: what are they and how do you find them? June 22, twitter facebook linkedin email.