Now, after reading this article, you should be confident in when to use which of them. If you have any suggestions for topics that you would like me to cover, feel warmly invited to comment or drop me a message.
Hi there! Though I provide all blog content for free, your support will be very much appreciated. Skip to content. For instance: Wann gehen wir ins Theater? Wann hast du Geburtstag? Does your sentence happen in the past and focus on a specific moment? Does your sentence contain a question?
Technically, it can also begin a relative clause where the wann -clause more clearly defines a temporal reference. This usage looks similar to the indirect question:. In these examples, you can see that wann retains the meaning at what time , rather than meaning when in the sense of if, whenever.
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January 31, at PM. Joy Hancock says:. April 16, at AM. Maryam Waqi says:. Mai says:. April 19, at AM. May 4, at AM.
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