We had already seen youtube videos with kids freaking out so the fact that there is really no reaction pisses us off. Well, I had some other icy hot around that is applied by a rolling ball but the actual liquid is more than twice as strong.
We decide fuck it, twenty a piece more if he rubs on the whole bottle after we pried out the rolling ball. I realize, slightly gay sounding. I'm cool with it. He applies it. Once again grimacing but little reaction. Twenty minutes pass. He rates the pain at five out of ten. Well, It then started to intensify.
Decides to go take a shower but says it doesn't really help. Fast forward five minutes and this kid is legitimately on the floor of the bathroom in the fetal position and is grabbing his thighs so hard he started bleeding. Makes grunting noises only. Roommate and I laughing hysterically, but also slightly worried. I decide to call poison control center and an elderly woman answers. Me "umm hello, my roommate seems to have spilled some concentrated menthol on himself.
Could that have any serious effects? And, umm, on his groin area. And ranks pain eleven out of ten. The poison centers advice was to run warm water on it for 15 min, if that doesn't help, go to the hospital..
He does this, but has to get out of the shower to vomit from the pain. He claims pain down to a nine. However, one testical is apparently quite swollen. I'm sure someone will find out. Monday 27 December lmfao right to the nuggets. Monday 27 December What is "should of? Monday 27 December Oh my god, if we're old enough to know what "FML" stands for, then we're old enough to see the word "balls.
Monday 27 December lol Monday 27 December considering that icy hot is washable ydi for being dumb and letting your balls burn.. KitKatKate98 0. Monday 27 December I actually thought OP was refering to her b00bs when she said plums. I don't blame him. LordXavier 0. Monday 27 December I always think washing it makes it worst Monday 27 December Yes, because that totally makes sense after he said he was applying it to his thighs. ScaughtieHolden Monday 27 December Lmao RedJester23 6.
Monday 27 December lol your nicknames made this fml funny. Tuesday 28 December omfg dime sacks and plums wut?! Sunday 26 December He's obviously a penny pinching fruit enthusiast. Monday 27 December you made my day : lmao. Monday 27 December you read my mind. WingsFan80 4. Monday 27 December and he said dime sacks, I didn't know you could have more than one? Monday 27 December Plus a dime is tiny. Monday 27 December This made my day. Monday 27 December I've got balls of steel!
Monday 27 December "Balls of steel" doesn't mean shit if they're the size of BBs. Monday 27 December 3, my thoughts exactly. Monday 27 December damn straight. Wednesday 5 January lmao yea ikr. Sunday 26 December You spell honour like a Brit!
Monday 27 December BlargHonk 0. Monday 27 December Uh, no. Honour is the British spelling of hobor, not hour. Lrn2English, n00b.
Steffers 7. Monday 27 December Wow. It's amazing how ignorant some people can be. BahahahLOL 0. Monday 27 December Canadian too. Monday 27 December Where in the hell do you see the word honour? Monday 27 December - in 4's comment. TheOptimist 0. Wednesday 29 December Yet another reason to question the survival of humanity. Choconumm 8. Sunday 26 December Ha you has been starilized fyl. Monday 27 December That was nonsense. Please don't post.
Monday 27 December Calm down guys, he's just calling op a pussy. Wednesday 29 December Dime sacks? Seriously, who says that? When it arrived, I was quick to apply it and to thank the old chemical gods for the pain relief, as that familiar burn and mentholated aroma immediately took me back to my days spent nursing sports injuries.
Then I made an all-too common rookie mistake: I took a piss. Maybe 30 seconds later, I felt a new burning sensation light up my crotch as I washed my hands.
How did I forget the first lesson of Bengay: to never, ever let it touch your dick? While my junk stung with the smolder of a thousand fires, I considered the next obvious question: Are there dudes who intentionally jerk off with Bengay? The answer, of course, is yes. In fact, not only do dudes masturbate with Bengay, some men love it. Nor do I mean people who hit up Yahoo! What can I do to get rid of the pain?
You have to wait it out, man.