Why does kelly chambers die

Yeoman Kelly Chambers is the first new, non-party crewmember Shepard and the player meet in Mass Effect 2. The smart, cheery, and compassionate redhead notifies Shepard whenever someone else needs their attention and is one of Mass Effect 2 's hidden unofficial romance options. Keeping her alive can be tricky since her fate comes down to two decisions, the first of which players might not even know they are making. This guide will explain how to save Kelly from a gruesome fate in Mass Effect 2.

However, the player should be careful, as completing that mission triggers a secret countdown. After that, the Collectors stage an attack on the Normandy while the ground team is away. If not then she'll die. Mass Effect 3 Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 31 May am. After Priority: Citadel 2 , return to the same spot in the docks where Shepard previously found her, and overhear a conversation about Kelly's current whereabouts: Show Spoilers Kelly Chambers in Mass Effect 2 Chambers was a potential romantic interest for the male or female Shepard in Mass Effect 3.

Quotes "Character matters, not race or gender. Was this guide helpful? Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: legionlives legionlives 9 years ago 1 i overheard a conversation on the citadel saying that kelly had gotten shot. User Info: veralece veralece 9 years ago 2 Bioware tying off loose ends. User Info: Saiel Saiel 9 years ago 3 It's possible for her to survive, right? User Info: Aruezi Aruezi 9 years ago 4 I'm afraid she died of a case of terminal stupidity.

User Info: CrankyCrab CrankyCrab 9 years ago 5 I don't even remember getting a chance to tell her to change her identity. User Info: pullers pullers 9 years ago 6 You can save her, just don't do all "paragon" options. Box art spoilers femshep technically considered canon again. As host when you are soloing Cerberus on Gold An unexepected Crossover, let me know if you get it. Romance more than one person? What is the best armor in the game? User Info: tymczass.

If you save Dr. Chacwas, she becomes a war asset if you keep her at the hospital. You have a choice to take her or make her stay. There is kind of an easter egg with Kelly Chambers if you romanced her enough to take care of your fish.

If you did not romance her enough to promise to take care of her fish, there is nothing involving her that I know of. User Info: lvillanueva5. Well, for one their names won't be on that nifty little monument in the mess hall. Kind of makes me feel bad every time I see it, though Except for Jenkins name. Leave to a Jenkins to rush in and screw things up, am I right? User Info: ZigFB.

Spoilers: Adding to lvillanueva5's info, you can also choose to leave Dr.


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