Yes, higher prolactin levels pertaining to gyno may aggrevate it, but Idk if it would actually trigger it. Anyone dumb enough to stack tren and deca deserves gyno. However, these compounds on their own will not typically cause it. Gyno on cycle is much more likely to be estrogenic. I apologize if I have confused you, sorry. No worries bro. I read in one of your previous posts that you suffered from progestinal gyno. While that is very unfortunate, I think you can admit that it isn't the norm.
Some people are highly susceptible to it while others are not, you appear to be in the former category. You seem like a good guy. Very well spoken. Welcome to the forum. Navigate88 Member. Trenbolone could cause gyno secondarily to diminished production of natural testosterone ; trenbolone, though not essentially estrogenic, mimics progesterone activity in the male body resulting in pea-sized balls.
When the balls shrink along with natural testosterone levels, this would alter testosterone to estrogen levels in the body over time. The result could be gyno secondary to the application of exogenous trenbolone. I went to the trouble of writing one of the foremost experts on trenbolone. He provided with me with a wealth of information on trenbolone. I asked about trenbolone gynecomastia. Both he and I agree that it is not described in the literature.
Further, any association would be worthy of publication. The ED50 effective dose of trenbolone to produce activity at the PR in a yeast bioassay 40nM is approximately fold higher than progesterone 4. Similarly, others have shown that trenbolone has a high ED50, with a relative potency at the PR near that of testosterone i. Together, these results appear to suggest that trenbolone does in fact bind to the PR, but that it requires a relatively high dose to induce biologic activity compared with progesterone or THG for example.
This would seem to agree with previous reports that trenbolone is either non-progestogenic or only weakly progestogenic Neumann F As a side note, I would invite you to write a Letter to the Editor of the journal Steroids, in response to our recently published report, regarding your clinical experiences with trenbolone induced gynecomastia. I believe this would be of great interest to other clinicians, especially considering the preponderance of evidence suggesting that trenbolone is only a weak progestin and only weakly estrogenic see our review for discussion.
Braunstein GD. Aromatase and gynecomastia. Endocr Relat Cancer ; Characterisation of the affinity of different anabolics and synthetic hormones to the human androgen receptor, human sex hormone binding globulin and the bovine gestagen receptor. APMIS What does this mean? There is no risk of getting estrogen gyno. Of friction can expect a very clean and quality gain in muscle mass.
With a good diet combined with trenbolone you will see changes in your body every single week. Unfortunately what he nor progestin can also lead to unwanted side effects. Another side effect is gynecomastia. Yes, there is the risk of getting gyno when using Trenbolone, even though it does not aromatize. Again, all of this is due to prolactin.
Besides the fact that prolactin can cause lactation it can also cause breast cancer proliferation and increase in the size of the nipple. This is called "prolactin gyno.
We also know that you can control the risk of prolactin gyno, controlling estrogen levels, keeping it at a low level. Tren is often described as a hard drug, because of its propensity to cause side effects, which are absent when taking other drugs.
They include: night sweats, sleep problems, high body temperature due to sweating, reduced cardiovascular capacity. Another reason is that friction is not only a great anabolic index, but also very large androgen index.
This means that there is a risk of increased aggression and irritability. If you plan to use it, try to be balanced, and always aware of his actions. And most importantly, stick to discipline and self-control when it is needed. Most of these side effects depend on the dose and each different sensitivity to the drug. You can always buy anabolic steroids as Turinabol, Sustanon, testosterone and other essential steroids. The experts thoroughly check the products upon receipt.
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