Distinguishing Characteristics of Iyengar. Accessible-Iyengar Yoga is accessible to anyone. Regular practice increases suppleness, strength and stamina, improves posture and concentration and quietens the mind to promote well-being. Has High Teaching Standards. Integrated mental and physical practice.
All Iyengar Yoga teachers are trained to provide clear demonstrations of each posture and are skilled in the use of adapting the practice for those who are in front of them. Teachers undergo rigorous and thorough program of training lasting years.
Teachers continue their studies throughout their careers and have a regular home practice. The Iyengar Yoga emphasizes precision and alignment. Quality of movement is offered over quantity. Students learn to move with ease in their body while working within your capacity. This makes the Yoga postures asanas accessible. Yoga Props such as blankets, blocks and belts may be used to access to the practice. Every prop was created to find help a person receive the effect or the feeling of the posture to release the effort or difficulty of the Asana.
The teacher teaches that the practice is gradual and progressive, building a stable foundation before attempting more demanding work. He developed a systematic and progressive approach to yoga, geared to lead practitioners from the most basic and understandable action inward towards the most subtle and sublime, the soul. He was a fierce, brilliant, deeply compassionate teacher known for rigor, alignment, and inspiring his students to go beyond limitations of ego, and obstacles in the mind.
We can experience time, but we cannot see time. Similarly, those who call my system physical yoga do not know anything as they can see it but have no experience of it. Patanjali is an ancient sage from India, a master of yoga, Ayurveda, and literature, who penned down system of yoga: the eight limb system ashtanga. The Iyengar method is an incredible opportunity for yoga students who thirst for the real deal, who want to dive deep, work sincerely and awaken the bigger potentials of Classical Yoga.
The living tradition of Iyengar Yoga is carried on through his family, and thousands of students and teachers all over the world. His daughter Geeta was a skilled, powerful, and deeply devoted teacher of Iyengar Yoga; legendary and inspiring. She passed away December Both Guruji and Geetaji practiced with intensity and devotion until their death. The IYNAUS website is a wonderful resource; consider joining which allows you to access considerable benefits, and supports community building amongst people who love Iyengar Yoga!
Using their deep knowledge of the asanas and anatomy CIYTs devise sequences of poses that build skill and understanding from posture to posture and from class to class and provide individually appropriate adjustments for each student.
Sri B. He has inspired millions of devoted yoga practitioners in the process. He is the author of numerous books on yogic practice and philosophy, along with several definitive yoga texts, including the yoga classic Light on Yoga. His teachings, writings, and devoted corps of students and followers have spread the practice of yoga throughout the world. In Time Magazine named B. Iyengar as one of the most influential people in the world. Iyengar was born into a large,poverty-stricken family on December 14th, in the Belur district of Karnataka.
As an infant he was affected by an influenza epidemic that left him frail and unhealthy. Throughout his childhood, B. Iyengar experienced significant illnesses, including malaria, tuberculosis and typhoid, as well as chronic malnutrition. When he turned sixteen he was sent to Mysore to stay with his eldest sister and her husband, scholar and yogi Sri T.
Krishnamacharya taught yoga in the Palace of the Raja of Mysore. It was in this school that Mr. Iyengar learned the basic asanas of Yoga, which led to a noticeable improvement in his health.
In , Krishnamacharya asked him to go to Pune and teach yoga. Iyengar faced great difficulty because of his limited knowledge of the English language and his lack of formal education. Although he was still developing his fundamental knowledge in the field of yoga, B. Iyengar applied a forceful dedication to learning through trial and error.
Slowly he mastered the difficult postures and his health improved considerably. Over time, the number of students attending his yoga classes began to increase, although the monetary compensation remained small.