These are for those who are your seniors or juniors respectively, either in age or experience, and are commonly heard in the workplace or at school. Keep in mind these are only meant for addressing close friends or those of an equal or lesser position than you. For that reason, you can also consider them to be more informal in nature. Two suffixes that are often added to emphasize you calling out to someone. By themselves, these are derogatory ways to refer to a male or female, respectively, and in use they highlight the badness or negative qualities of the recipient.
Like certain insults in any language, these can also be used in a more teasing and affectionate manner between good friends. You may already know that age is a bit of a big deal in Korean culture, but why?
Like many Asian cultures, Korean culture has been strongly influenced by Confucian values , and the ideas of filial piety and expected respect for your elders still run strong today.
Using titles is just one distinct and obvious way of expressing such respect, and studies have shown that Koreans tend to place particularly large importance on age when deciding on honorifics.
Results: 26 , Time: 0. Other directions. English Other directions. Language :. Text size :. Examples of using Mister in a sentence and their translations. Find what's the translation meaning for word mister in korean? Here's a list of translations. Adverb - An adverb describes how the action is performed. They tell how much, how often, when and where something is done. Proper Noun - The pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns.
It may stand for a person, place, thing, or idea. Noun 1 a form of address for a man. This dictionary has the largest database for word meaning. This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Korean to English translation, English to Korean translation. It has more than , word meaning and is still growing.