Where is felix baumgartner going to land

It was really brutal at times. In addition to establishing Baumgartner in the record books, the project made important contributions to aerospace safety. Achievements included the development of a new generation of spacesuits and parachute systems, the establishment of protocols for exposure to the extreme conditions of pressure and temperature, and the study of the impact of supersonic acceleration and deceleration on the human body.

The aim is to improve the safety for space professionals as well as potential space tourists. The Museum is the final stop on a five-city tour for the exhibition. The display recounts the details of the Stratos project and the work of the support team, headed by Art Thompson, the designer of the capsule and technical manager of the effort.

Joe Kittinger, the legendary airman who had held the record with a jump from , feet in , was responsible for flight operations and safety. In addition to the historic hardware, the exhibit includes audio-visual and interactive elements inviting visitors to share some of the excitement of this extraordinary event. Udvar-Hazy Center.

IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Share this —. Follow today. More Brands. By Scott Stump. Now, Baumgartner is hanging up his parachute. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. According to Wikipedia :. If we abstract away the air friction from the parachute, why hasn't Baumgartner landed exactly near the same point where he took off?

I'm understanding this cannot be due to earth rotation since the atmosphere also rotates with the earth. If you read the text carefully, the What we don't know is the time gap between Baumgartner's jump and the mission control command to the capsule which released the balloon and started the capsule's own descent.

This is likely to be a significant time gap because you do not want your uncontrolled descending capsule to be anywhere near your descending skydiver or their recovery vehicles. So the distance between the two landing sites may well have been intentional. The distance between the launch site and Baumgartner's landing site isn't given in the text you quoted, but using the latitude and longitude data in the Wikipedia article we can calculate this to be also approximately 70 km.

But this is easily accounted for the the fact that the capsule took 2. A drift of 70 km over 2. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.


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