A few were there when Cenarius provided his tutelage and learned directly from the demigod. The iconic night elf druid is a spiritual creature with powers that tap into worlds beyond most mortal knowledge. Green energy plays around their feet, and they move unhindered through secret forest paths. Night elf druids claim that they can still hear the voice of Cenarius, warning them when danger is imminent and giving them gentle urgings as to the best way to avoid attacks. Perhaps this voice is nature itself, protecting those who protect it.
The night elf druid can drop into a deep slumber. While hibernating, they do not need to eat or drink, and barely needs to breathe — others must be careful to determine that they still live.
When the druid enters hibernation, any poisons working within them is suspended, and they do not bleed. Their breathing is so shallow they do not suffer effects from inhaled toxins or other dangers, and can survive for a year on the amount of air one would normally need in a day. They heal at twice the normal rate. When the night elf druid enters hibernation, they set the conditions to awaken.
Among night elves, gold-colored eyes, as opposed to the traditional silver, are a sign of inherent druidic potential. Among the class-obsessed night elves who lived prior to the War of the Ancients, gold eyes were rare, and thus viewed as a sign of underlying greatness. Queen Azshara and Illidan Stormrage , both extremely powerful sorcerers, had golden eyes. The night elves became vastly more egalitarian since the War's end, and thus, gold eyes are now far more common.
In addition, druidism spread throughout night elven society, and many night elves develop gold eyes after birth if they practice the art. Though gold eyes are a sign that the individual has a natural ability for druidic magic, it does not mean that all gold-eyed night elves become druids, or that silver-eyed night elves cannot.
Malfurion Stormrage himself was born with silver eyes, and developed golden eyes after studying druid magic. This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm. Gilnean druids were known as harvest witches , but had very limited abilities before the curse and contact with the Night Elves.
Worgen already possess the ability to shapeshift between their human and worgen forms, so shapeshifting into additional forms may come more easily to the species. However, the worgen starting zone quests imply when rolling a druid that the people of Gilneas were druids before the night elves encountered them after the fall of the city.
According to the tauren lore, Cenarius instructed them first in druidism, as recounted in their myth Forestlord and the First Druids. It was in fact Malfurion Stormrage who was the first mortal druid, and Cenarius' greatest student. The night elf druids were recently joined in the Cenarion Circle by the tauren. List of WoW Classic Druid Weapons you can use, you may have to visit your trainer to learn the ability to use these weapons.
If you are not sure why this is good you can visit our Herbalism Guide below to learn more. Below we list each talent spec and what roles they can fill within the WoW Classic Meta. Undercity Druid Trainer Location Undead. Stormwind Druid Trainer Location Human. This may be possible through alternative, magical means of communication, similar to how jawless undead are capable of speech. Druids come and go as they please, and their goals typically have little to do with the "civilized" world.
Unaffiliated with any specific government, the primary druidic organization on Azeroth, the Cenarion Circle, answers to no one save itself. The highest rank that a druid can have is that of ' archdruid ', and there are only a few archdruids on Azeroth. Through their deep connection to life and nature, druids are able to take on an unusually large variety of roles. Probably a druid's best-known role is that of a healer.
Druids are justly famed for their ability to restore life, cure poisonous wounds and remove curses. Indeed, restoring and protecting the planet is one of the top priorities for all druids, however, restoring life comes with a price.
Even the newest druid understands that life cannot simply be created from nothing [16] and must ask nature to sacrifice their life essence in order to transfer that life essence to the people and plants being healed. A druid's empathy with the creatures of the wild also allows him to shapeshift into the forms of other animals. For example, a wounded druid whose magical energies are running low might abruptly take on the form of a bear in order to better withstand further injury.
Alternatively, the druid might shift into the form of some large cat, sneak up behind an enemy, then pounce and deliver a fierce flurry of melee attacks. Even the deepest oceans can be explored by a druid, who can simply shift into an aquatic creature, allowing him to stay underwater as long as needed.
Until the end of the Third War, druids periodically visited the Emerald Dream to monitor the ebb and flow of life on Azeroth. Today such a visit has become more difficult due to Nordrassil's poor health. Druids possess a deep understanding of the way in which all living things depend upon one another.
Whenever this delicate equilibrium is disrupted, the druid works to restore the balance. To that end, a druid can use his connection with the Emerald Dream to exert a calming influence over animals, even forcing some into a temporary state of hibernation. Just as the druid can wield peace and somnolence, the druid can tap into the fury of nature itself: Terrible storms have responded to a druid's call; thorns have sprouted from the druid's skin to wound his attackers; even previously harmless roots have grown up out of the soil at greatly accelerated speeds in order to entangle a foe.
For obvious reasons, druids thrive in the wild outdoors. Inevitably, however, they lose some of their effectiveness when they are forced to endure separation from the natural environment.
What good is a cleansing rain when a druid cannot even see the sky? How are roots to capture a foe who is standing atop a high tower? Such cases clearly require a druid with the imagination to consider new strategies and the flexibility to carry them out. Yet this flexibility, too, comes with an underlying negative corollary. The druid tends to be a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. An unusual mixture of priest, rogue, and warrior, the druid is therefore not equal to any of these three classes in their particular specialties.
Even so, the druids' incredible adaptability serves them well in confronting the challenges that Azeroth has to offer. Druids utilize various forms for each specialization, and each race has a different looking skin for their forms Bear , Cat , and Moonkin. These are some of the racial traits relevant to druids:.
Night elf. Druids are the only class that has four specializations , which are:. Can take on the form of a powerful Moonkin, balancing the power of Arcane and Nature magic to destroy enemies at a distance. Balance druids focus on dealing ranged magical damage , with an array of signature abilities such as [ Starsurge ] , [ Sunfire ] , [ Solar Beam ] and [ Starfall ].
Balance druids use [ Moonkin Form ] to increase their damage dealt, protect them from harm and grant spell haste to themselves and their party. As well as granting Balance druids a distinctive Owlkin appearance although this can be changed with [ Glyph of Stars ] this form has also gained Balance druids nicknames such as "Boomkin", reflecting their potential for extremely high damage output.
As of the Legion expansion, Balance druids no longer primarily use mana as a resource. Instead, using their spells such as [ Moonfire ] and [ Solar Wrath ] , they generate Astral Power , which is used to cast the abilities [ Starsurge ] and [ Starfall ].
The elements that carve form into the universe are fluid forces of nature. Some beings seek to bend the power of these natural elements to their will. Druids, however, worship the protecting spirits of nature.
By leveraging the sacred powers of the moon, the sun, and the stars, balance druids access arcane and nature magics—made more potent still through shapeshifting, when the spellcaster takes the form of the moonkin—to aid in the fight against imbalance that threatens the natural order of all things. Feral druids are powerful feline melee damage-dealers , using [ Cat Form ] to deal swift and savage damage to their enemies.
They have much in common with rogues , using energy to fuel their attacks and combo points to build to deadly finishing moves. Like rogues, Feral druids are extremely agile, and can use [ Prowl ] to sneak around and [ Pounce ] on enemies when they least expect it.
Feral druids are often called "Cat", "Kitten" or "Kitty", these affectionate nicknames belying their formidable ferocity. Feral druids also seek to curb imbalance in nature. They observe the fantastic intricacies of the physical world and the delicate fabric in which all living creatures are given purpose. Whether on land or in the sea, in a lush jungle or an uncultivated desert, death is part of the cycle which sustains life. Nature is an eternal dance between predator and prey. As a shapeshifter, the feral druid endlessly pursues a greater understanding of this truth.
They seek a visceral connection to the wild, and in combat take the form of a deadly feline predator. Feral druids become ferocious, agile stalkers—ripping, biting, and bleeding their enemies dry.
Guardian druids are indomitable tanks , using the strength of [ Bear Form ] to become a towering, snarling wall between themselves and their allies. Similar to Protection warriors , Guardian druids use rage to fuel their abilities, mauling and mangling their enemies and transforming their rage into health with [ Frenzied Regeneration ].
Guardian druids' Bear Form is improved with [ Thick Hide ] , allowing them to square up to the most formidable of foes. Guardian druids are often known simply as "Bears". Like their feral brothers and sisters, guardian druids attune themselves to nature through the animal kingdom. They commune with the wild to understand how life perseveres through adversity.
They know that the creatures who survive are often those built to best protect themselves and their kin. In this, the guardian druid finds a deep and harmonious value in the steadfast—all the while recognizing that sturdiness requires an aggressive stance when danger comes near. Taking the form of a great bear, the guardian druid becomes a massive wall of fur, claw, tooth, and rage, aided by the forces of nature, standing between allies and any opposing threats.
Restoration druids are capable healers , specializing in restoring their allies' health through heal over time effects. Restoration druids possess a range of healing options, from direct healing to more sophisticated buffs such as [ Living Seed ] , with abilities such as [ Nourish ] offering synergistic effects, and can also dispel with [ Nature's Cure ].
Restoration druids are capable of healing allies without the use of a special shapeshift form, but with the talent [ Incarnation ] can take on the form of the Tree of Life. The many gifts provided by nature must sometimes be reciprocated. Restoration druids seek order in the world by tending directly to its many life forms. Friend to flora and fauna alike, restoration druids celebrate birth and growth. Where there is decay, they bring rejuvenation.
Where there is abatement, they summon regrowth. Life not only needs protection—it needs nourishment. Like nature, the restoration druid perseveres through patience and persistence, the foundation upon which all life is built and sustained.
They use this power to mend wounds and provide persistent remedies that keep their allies from falling.